Chapter 16 Trapped.

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On Tuesday Havine and I sat with Peter, Ned and this Mj girl (who is actually cool, unlike most humans) for lunch.

They got to know Havine a bit better which made me happy, I mean their kind of my friends, like if I had to choose a group of humans to be friends with I'd probably choose them...


And only if I really had to. I still hate humans.

I think.

Ugh! Ever since I got close to Peter I've been doubting myself, I mean I have been feeling sick around him and yet I can't get enough of hanging out with him!

He's making me doubt my hate in humans, I haven't killed anybody in ages.

It's like he's making me a 'better person' which is false and completely wrong. I'm saving humans from their own kind. And stopping them from being hurt!

And yet people still have the nerve to call me the bad guy!

But then when I'm around Peter I feel somewhat happy. When he smiles I feel something inside me bubble up excitedly, and it's like if I don't do anything about it it'll explode!

When I see him I can't kill anything meaning I can't save humans!

Maybe I'd be better off if he was dead...

But then I can't kill him, and I can't stay away from him either! I'm trapped.

Maybe I should talk to Galaxia and Havine about it. I mean their like the only people I trust, well Havine is anyway, and anyways their from my planet. They won't do anything.


An: Hehehehehehheehehehehheheehe >:) something Finna happen

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