Chapter 31: Black widow or not Black Widow?

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The train had left by now and I couldn't teleport back to Queens with Peter as it was too risky with the crowd.

If I was seen somebody could report me to the avengers and the Avengers could figure out pretty quickly that I'm grim.

We were trapped.

I gripped Peters hand tightly as I dragged him out of the station.

I had to get out of here. I couldn't stay here. What if the avengers realised we were here? I mean if they notice just me it's fine but Peter? They notice him we're both screwed.

"Y/n, listen we're gonna be fine, Manhattan is a big place, most likely they don't even know we're here." Peter pointed out.

"Yeah but they still somehow always figure out where I am and don't forget they LIVE here, their super likely to find us here." I snapped in response.

"And yet they probably won't, why would they search for us here, as far as they know we could be in, Australia by now." Peter said in an attempt to calm me down.

"But they have amazing technology, there's no way they haven't figured out we're here, they could appear at any moment." I muttered starting to pace around the busy area.

"Y/n I assure you they don't know we're here. Okay? Just calm down." Peter assured.

"Ok then why is she here?" I snapped pointing at a red head.

"Y/n, just cause they have red hair doesn't mean they're the black widow." Peter said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but she looks exactly like the black widow!" I exclaimed quietly.

"Ok but she could just be a lookalike." Peter reasoned.

"IN THE SAME BLOODY CITY?!" I whisper-shouted.

Suddenly I noticed the red heads, head perk up and stare at us.

"Aand we got her attention." I muttered.

"Yeah, nice job y/n." Peter snaps quietly.

"Perhaps we should run?" I suggest rolling my eyes.

"Great idea." Peter whispered as I grab his hand and start running.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now