Chapter 11: What is this feeling?

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AN: sorry this is boring it's pretty much just to give you more info about y/ns planet and to get the romance between y/n and Peter kinda going :) also sorry it's terrible I wrote it at 1 am.

"Well on my planet almost everyone has powers and they pretty much control everything." I begin.

Peter nods looking at me with interest.

"People who can see the truth or read minds are normally our judges or police officers as they are fairest, people who can heal are our doctors and nurses. Our warriors which are people who fight pretty much all the bad stuff only has people who are immortal whilst with military which fight only against human or other planetary threats is immortal preference but you can have ay power, they generally only do protection stuff though." I continue.

I look at Peter to check if he's still listening, he is and he seems pretty invested.

"Those who have super speed are usually our athletes however some of them are police. The people with necromancy are normally our investigators as they can literally ask the dead. The all knowing are our teachers. The invisible are our spies. And so on so fourth, of course every year you do get the option to change or add to your powers."

"How do you do that?" Peter asks.

"Well, either with it being injected or with a transfer." I reply.

"Ooooh cool."

"Yes very. Now we're normally born with our powers and as we grow older we just try and figure them out. Now you can have any amount of powers so someone could have infinite powers and they wouldn't know until they tried every power." I say.

I look at Peter who still seems invested.

"Now we also have people who can execute others, their our executioners, they are very important. Effectively they all have the powers of either Instant death, Paralysis, My shadow thing or my blood manipulation. We don't do executions often only for people who have caused irreversible damage on a persons mental or physical wellbeing." I continue.

"Wait so you killed those people because-"

"Because they caused great pain to somebody, your correct, it's effectively how I was brought up, anybody who causes great trauma to somebody deserves death." I said looking down at my hands.

"So I'm guessing you were taught to- to kill people for harming others." Peter says staring at me.

I just nod and then suddenly feel warm liquid coming out from my eyes.

"I- w-what is this?" I ask confused.

"They're tears, it's normal for humans." Peter says "Have you never cried before?"

"No I haven't, I'm not human I haven't had to." I said as the tears kept rolling down my face.

"It's perfectly normal." Peter says.

"I-I don't like it." I say still crying.

Peter pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

"Crying is a perfectly normal thing." He said.

Suddenly I felt my heart flutter and I got a weird feeling in my stomach, what is this feeling?

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