Chapter 19: Framed

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The next few weeks were the same. School, Havine and I hang out with Peter, then go back to the building and I vent to them which almost always ends in an anxiety attack.

Then Havine goes out to get chocolate, Galaxia follows, Aza calms me down, they run into trouble, forget the chocolate, come in holding a bag, won't tell me anything then go upstairs to chat.

At this point it's almost as if somebody is targeting Havine. I hope that's not the case, shes legit the only person I can trust. I'd hate for something to happen to her.

If I find out the human, alien, god or other who is targeting my friend, they are in for a world of pain.

I put on my Grim outfit and go out the window, the girls already know that I'm Grim but I still won't use the door, what if somebody sees? They could track me and find my friends.

What if they hurt them? I can't have that.

I jumped across rooftops when I spot iron man and black widow standing infront of me.


"You killed people." Iron man says.

Well no shit Sherlock, we know that already.

"Yeah, thas old news we both know that." I said rolling my eyes.

"You killed kids." He snapped.

Ok that's new, I don't think I have killed a human kid yet.

"No I haven't." I said insulted.

"You have, people saw you." Black widow said.

Ok they've definitely got it wrong. I know I haven't killed anybody when people could see, other then the victims of course.

"Uh, no?" I said confused.

"Last week somebody caught you on video killing a kid!" Black widow snapped.

Ok now I know their wrong, I haven't killed in months.

"Ok this is why I hate humans, just because somebody in a hood killed a kid doesn't mean it's me ok? Firstly, I don't kill kids, everybody I've killed deserved it, second off I haven't killed in months, ask the spider-kid, he was there! You could even ask my roommates." I snapped feeling scared, I may be a killer but I don't like being accused of something I didn't do.

Except maybe homework.

Anyway my life is just going the way I wanted, I had friends from my planet, I could help Aza find her powers, Galaxia was slightly opening up a bit and I had Havine, my bestie.

Galaxia had told me that the one thing she wanted was to find out Azas powers and I was trying to help her with that, if I get arrested I won't be able to do that.

"You know what, go ahead and arrest me. I'm innocent and deep down you know that, besides you have no proof." I said holding my hands out.

"Oh believe me, we have proof." Iron man said.

They took me to avengers head quarters and put me in a cell, yada yada, it's gotten old.

"Ok listen I haven't done anything, I haven't even worn this stupid suit since I last saw spidey boy in his suit." I said.

"Well that's clearly a lie." Black widow said sitting outside my cell.

"I don't lie, I joke and refrain from telling people things but I don't lie, especially not about things like this. Legit ask spidey he'll tell you." I say.

"We have video proof of you killing somebody last week, and another from 2 months ago." Black widow says scowling.

"Well it's clearly faked." I said.

"We've examined it, it's not faked, it's 100% real." She said.

"Well maybe you did it wrong, can I go now?" I asked.

"No." Iron Man said walking in and opening my cell.

"Well it looks like your opening my cell." I said.

"Yeah to take you to another room." He responded putting handcuffs on me and moving me to a room with a tv.

"Ooh we watchin a movie or something? Cool! Maybe being framed isn't too bad!" I exclaimed.

"Ok so your saying this isn't you." Iron man said putting on a video.

The video had a little boy running from somebody and then somebody in my Grim outfit chasing him into an alley, when he was cornered they summoned up what looks like a green weapon and stabbed him in the leg.

The boy dropped to the ground, and as if that wasn't bad enough they grabbed him with their hand pulled him up and whispered something. The boy immediately flew up to the air screaming in pain. I recognised his face, it was the little boy I had saved a few months ago.

Something green came out of the persons hands and the boy started to cough and landed on the ground, dead.

Tears filled my eyes, I did care for that kid.

"T-that wasn't me." I stammered.

"You just saw the video and yet you still say it's not you, that's pathetic." Iron man said grabbing my arm and pulling me back to the cell.

On my way there was only three things that were on my mind.

Somebody clearly knew I was Grim and wanted to sabotage me.

2. Either somebody had made a copy of my suit


3. Somebody has been stealing the suit.

An: oop- who stole the suit? Whose framing you.. and will you escape to find out? Find out... eventually :)

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now