Chapter 24: Boyfriend?!

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Peter and I were standing in the alley for a while, I don't know why but by the time we left it was dark.

It being dark did make it easier to not be seen as nobody was out then, but it did make it a bit harder to see.

I quickly dragged him to the building Havine, Aza, Galaxia and I were staying in.

"Heyyy!" I said.

Aza ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hewwo!" Aza said.

I gave a small smile and looked around.

"Hey Aza? Where's Galaxia and Havine?" I asked as Peter looked around.

"Oh they went out."  Aza responded.

"Oh, ok." I said.

"Who's dis?" Aza asked referring to Peter.

"Oh this is Peter, my-"

"Boyfwend?" Aza asked excitedly.

Peter and I both looked at each other uncomfortably. We had not discussed that yet.

"Y-no-maybe? I dunno!" I said blushing.

"Yes." Peter said grabbing my hand and kissing me.

Aza's face lit up.

"YAYY! Y/N HAS A BOYFRIEND!"  She yelled jumping up and down.

"Ok calm down Aza." I said pulling Peter up the stairs.

I dragged him through the hallway and stopped outside my room.

"Is she-?" Peter asked.

"From my planet? Yeah." I said smiling widely.

"Whats her..."

"Power? We dunno." I responded.


"Anyways while we're staying here your room can be next to mine... it's isolated from the other 3 because Galaxia didn't want to be next to me, Havine is next to Galaxia and Aza is in her own little world." I said.
I walked into my room and Peter followed.

"You wanna hang out in here?" I asked and he nodded looking around my room.

"Why do you have scythes on the wall?" He asked.

"I like scythes." I said simply sitting on my bed.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I dunno they're just cool I guess." I responded smiling.

"Soo... I'm your girlfriend, huh?" I said smiling.

"If, if you wanna be." He said shyly.

"Of course I do." I responded happily.

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