Chapter 39: One armed man

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"Wait, okay, so what your saying is there's more of you?"
Tony Stark asks after I explained what happened for the fourth time. God for earths mightiest heroes, two of whom happen to be scientists, they sure are dumb.

"More of my kind yes, more Grims, technically no." I explain yet again.

"What do you mean 'technically'?" Captain America asks.

"Well I mean I'm the only real one but there is an imitation and like I said before she kidnapped Peter." I explain putting emphasis on real.

"Well do you know where she is?" Tony demands.

"Do you think if I knew that I'd be her- never mind, no I don't know where she is but I know who she is, her name is Havine and she has gold eyes and blue hair however I did give her contacts so she seems like she has green eyes, also she's a shape-shifter so she could look like or be anyone." I explained.

"So basically her name is Havine and she could be anywhere, be anything or anyone. Yeah cause that narrows it down." Stark said sarcastically.

"Ok you gonna help or what?" I ask fiddling with my cuffs.

"Well yeah, but you didn't narrow it down much." Natasha points out.

"Yeah, but I know you guys track Peter." I say scrunching my nose a bit.

"Well, we do but what does that have to do with anything?" Stark asks raising an eyebrow as I roll my eyes.

"Track him idiots!" I exclaim.

"Okay no need to insult us, we're the ones helping you." Captain America says calmly.

"You care about Parker just as much as I do... actually I probably care for him a bit more but still." I snap.


As Tony Stark tries to track Peters location I wander around, there wasn't much I could do to help considering I had handcuffs on and I had to get Galaxia to take them off.

After a while I saw a dude with a metal arm holding knives.

"Hi!" I exclaim waving to him.

"The hell are you?" He asks raising a knife.

"Well I'm y/n, uh and you know the kid Peter? Yeah he got kidnapped and the Avengers are helping me find him." I explain.

"What's the handcuffs for?" He asks looking at my hands.

"Oh yeah my friend did this... let's just say the avengers and I don't really get on." I admit.

"Need help getting them off?" He offers holding out his knives.

"Not even gonna ask why?" I ask.

"Nah, the avengers didn't like me much once either." He smiles.

"Lemme guess you killed people?" I ask holding out my handcuffed hands.

"Yeah. How'd you know that?" He questions as he starts trying to cut through the cuffs.

"Cause I did the same thing." I state wincing a bit as the knives cut a bit of skin.

"Sorry. But your a kid. Why did you kill people?" He questions still trying to break my cuffs.

"Cause they were evil- THIS ISNT WORKING JUST CUT MY HANDS OFF!" I yell as the knives cut me again.

"I'm not going to cut your hands off kid." The dude snaps.

"Just do it they'll grow back." I snap.

"No!" He snaps.

"Fine just gimme the knives and I'll do it myself." I argue.

"No!" He snaps holding the knives away from me.

I try and grab the knives from him but he holds them above my head.

"JUST. GIVE. ME. THE. KNIVES!" I yell jumping to grab them.

"No, I'm not letting you cut your hands off!" He snaps.

I sigh and climb onto a nearby table close my eyes and jump, grabbing one of the knives.

"HAH! Thank you." I smile putting one hand on the table and raising the knife.

I clench my teeth as I bring the knife down cutting off that hand.

"Much better." I smile as the hand heals itself "now for this one."

I swap hands but just as I was about to bring the knife down on the other hand it's snatched from me.


"Well they're my knives!" He yells.

"Jokes on you I can just make my own." I laugh summoning a new knife.

I take a deep breath and cut the other hand off. I closed my eyes as it regrew.

"So anyways what's your name?" I ask smiling.

"Bucky." He says simply.

"Cool, anyways imma go annoy Stark." I say leaving the room.

AN: I just had to add Bucky :)

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now