Chapter 36: Realisations

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As I snuck around following the way Havine went, trying to figure out why she was in Manhattan. The apartment building was in Queens, and Galaxia and Aza were both there.  So why on earth would she need to go to Manhattan?

Then I saw it. Infront of me was grim. Wait no that's ridiculous I'M grim, so who the hell is this chic?

And why was she pretending to be me?

I looked at what she was doing. She was leaning over somebody on the ground an axe raised as if about to strike.

I instantly shut my eyes until I heard the scream. I opened them again and saw Havine. Standing over the body covered in blood. No sign of grim.

"Peter you can say 'I told you so now.' You we're right." I sighed turning around "Peter?"


"Your not going to find the spider boy there." A menacing voice said from behind me.

I turned around on my heel as Havine walked towards me a smirk on her face.

A lone tear dropped from my eyes as I looked up at her, backing away slowly.

"Why would you do this?! I-I thought we were friends!" I exclaimed as she walked closer and closer.

"Well because we don't belong here on earth, we belong on OUR planet and I had to show you." She declared laughing maniacally.

"But I-I was trying to get OFF this planet why would you need to show me we don't belong here?" I question as she points a dagger to my throat.

"Because you wouldn't of left if you were given that chance, not with Peter here, you love him too much, I had to make it impossible for you to stay and how better then by framing you for murders you didn't commit and killing off people you care about in the process!" She cackled pushing the dagger further into my throat.

Suddenly a realisation hit me like a brick.

"Wait, you aren't going to- kill Peter are you?" I asked as worry surged through me.

"Oh don't worry I'm not going to kill your little boyfriend. Not yet at least, I wanna hurt him a little first." She taunted giggling through her breaths.

"Please, don't hurt him. He didn't do anything to you." I whispered tears flowing more heavily now.
"Well, I would buuuut I like the idea of you worrying about your precious boyfriend more. And besides with Peter gone you'll have nothing to keep you on earth." Havine cackled.

"Please- don't." I muttered weakly.

Suddenly there was footsteps and Havine disappeared.

I dropped to the ground in tears. I heard people yelling but didn't pay any attention I buried my head in my knees, why did I trust her?

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now