Chapter 5 (sorry its so bad i wrote this at like 3 Am) a fight

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from roof top to roof top when suddenly I saw what looks like the iron man suit flying towards me.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. If the iron man is there so would the other avengers... probably.

I quickly turn to go the other way but instantly see captain America and black widow. I look around for any means of escape but it appears I'm surrounded.

I sigh and raise my hands up in defeat before suddenly I release my shadow thing causing Black Widow and Captain America to fall to the ground in pain. I smirk as I look at them screaming in pain.

"Oops, I honestly did not mean to do that." I say frowning slightly. "Soo sorry about that..."

The avengers scowl at me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not lying dumbasses, I really didn't mean to, Jesus it's almost as if you don't believe me just because I'm 'evil' like seriously just because I killed a few people doesn't mean I'm evil nor does it mean I'm a fucking liar." I say annoyed.

Suddenly I notice that iron man seems to be firing up his blasters. I roll my eyes and put a shield around myself.

"Huh I thought it was only the lady spider and dinner plate shield who were dumb guess it's all of you." I say rolling my eyes again.

Iron man fires at me hitting my shield. I sigh and release my shield and close my eyes focus. I quickly summon a wave of blood and shift it into a giant hook and bring it towards the avengers just missing them.

"Ok Bloody Mary let's just get this over with."  Iron man said.

"My name is Grim dumbass." I say closing my eyes to summon my shadow thing.

"Also unless you wanna end up in a world of pain I'd suggest leaving me alone." I say as shadows drip out of my fingers.

"You've killed countless people you need to be punished for that." Captain America said finally standing up.

I roll my eyes. "Do you guys think your so innocent? You've killed people too! The only difference between us is I know I'm a bad person, you guys hide it behind your hero demeanours." I snap.

Captain America suddenly throws his shield at me.

"Mk so instead of admitting your bad you attack me... because that's a good thing to do." I say sarcastically as I quickly catch the shield and throw it back.

The avengers and I end up fighting hand to hand (because I'm a lazy ass bitch who can't be bothered to use my powers) I know if I used my powers I could have them on the floor in just mere seconds but hand to hand is more fun.

"Mkay this is going no where and I'm getting bored, also I have homework to do soo maybe we could wrap this up?" I say out of boredom.

"Wait homework?! How old are you?!" Iron man says completely stopping.

"Surprise I'm a teenager, who's beating your asses." I say smirking. "Anyways I'm bored now sooo like should I go or do you want me to like surrender only to escape again?"

The avengers look at me in confusion and I roll my eyes.

"Mmkay sooo surrender then? Sweet I can like escape then... thas fun." I say putting my hands in the air in surrender.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now