Chapter 25 Thoughts

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Thoughts were running through my head like a toy train.

'So Peter is my boyfriend now?'

'Is it too late to say that I dunno what that means?'

'Uhh, is that just being in a relationship? Cause that's all we really say on my planet... we prefer not to dwell on gender. All it is is our pronouns. nothing more...'

Either way it sounds important sooo... I should probably ask Havine and Galaxia what it means..j

I hear Havine and Galaxia arguing from downstairs so I quickly run down to them but instead sit with Aza on the stairs to listen.

"What were you thinking?! Doing that again!" I heard Galaxia yell.

'Again? What does that mean?' I thought to myself. 'Did Havine do something?'

"It's not a big deal Gal! It's not like anybody realised!" I heard Havine shout.

'What's going on?'

"Still! You need to stop! Like I said it won't just affect us! And I'm proving to be right!" Galaxia scream.

'Something is definitely going on... but what?'

"What's going on?" Peter whispered walking down the stairs.

"Their arguing." Aza responded.

Peter sat next to me so I was between him and Aza.

"Why?" He asked.

"I dunno." I responded.

"Why? It's not like Aza or y/n is being affected! The only person this affects is well nobody!" Havine yelled.

'What do they mean by this?'

"Should somebody intervene?" Peter asked.

"Yup." I whispered in response.

"Soo are you gonna...?" Peter asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Why not?!" Peter whisper yelled.

"They'll kill me!" I snapped.

"Better you then one of us, your more likely to survive!" He snapped back.

"Fine." I snapped getting up and walking down.

"Just kiss already!" I yelled out.

They jumped and turned to me.

"Great anyways now I've got your attention... can we talk in the other room?" I asked looking at the stairs.

"Uh sure..." Havine said whilst Galaxia was giving me the stink eye.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now