Chapter 35: A streak of blue hair

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Y/ns POV

When I woke up I was in an alleyway Peter sitting on a trash can nearby.

"What is it with us and hanging out in alleyways?" I joke sitting up.

Peter looks at me a smile on his face.

"Sooo what happened?" I asked as I stood up and sat next to him.

Peters face fell as he turned to look at me.

"Well, to sum it up I'm a criminal as well now and Tony Stark probably hates me." He explained.

"Jeez, what did you do rob a bank?" I joke "Wait don't tell me you actually robbed a bank."

"I defended you." He said plainly.

"Ok, that's tame, Jeez. I knew they hated me but not that much." I muttered under my breath "But at least we have a way out for you if anything happens."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Peter questions.

"Well, it's simple enough, they don't know all of my powers, we can just say I have mind control and have been controlling you." I explained looking at my hands.

Peters face contorted to one of shock.

"Woah, wait what?" He asked.

"Well I don't plan on staying on this planet any longer, and it's not like the people who'd take me to the raft are any stronger then me, I can just kill em and take the ship." I explain fiddling with my hands, it was a long shot but I don't like staying on earth. I wasn't happy here... I think... maybe.


"So anyways we should probably figure out how the hell we're gonna find whoever was pretending to be you." Peter said as we were sat on a rooftop.

"Like I said, probably Galaxia." I decided.

"Okay, but we can't rule anybody out, it could still be Havine." Peter reasoned.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it you hate my best friend and don't trust her despite the fact I do." I retort rolling my eyes.

"It's not that I don't like her she's cool but you can't deny with her being one of the 3 people who knew who you were and had access to your suit it does make her rather suspicious." Peter reasoned.
"Yeah well-" I began before I saw something down on the ground. A streak of blue hair.

"Havine...?" I questioned jumping down from the rooftop.

The moment I did I regretted it instantly. I had found out something that deep down I didn't want to find out.

Who had framed me.

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