Chapter 1

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It was late evening. On the streets of Mumbai a boy was running

Boy's pov: Abhi today again you got late. If wardener got to know. She will definitely kill you this time. Already 3 times she warned me to reach on time but yaar owner of coffee shop. I don't have that much money to afford road transport. Huh! Whatever!! For now hurry up

With these thoughts he was running towards orphanage. Within some minutes he reached. As he entered in orphanage

 As he entered in orphanage

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This is orphanage building. Here around 40 children are living

Abhi entered in orphanage and saw everyone was gathered in play area. He noticed wardener was busy with something and sidneet was also there. He silently tip topped to sidneet and stood beside them

Sid (sighed in relief): Bhai finally you are here.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Still I am late but wardener didn't noticed me. By the way, what's going on here?
Avni (pointing towards wardener and girl): She is new here. So wardener want to introduce

Abhi nodded. After few minutes girl calm down

Wardener: Everyone listen here. She is new member. From today she will live with us. Here name is Khushi. She is 3yrs old. I am excepting from everyone to befriend with her and not to trouble her or consequences you know very well
All children: Yes Ma'am
Wardener: Avneet you don't have roommate, right?
Avni: Yes Ma'am
Wardener: She will stay with you. As you are elder you have to take care of her
Avni: Sure Ma'am
Wardener: You all have 15mins. Get fresh and come for dinner fast

Wardener and children's left. Avni went to khushi. Sidshek followed her. Khushi was still sobbing silently

Avni (sitting in front of her): Hello baby. I am your Avneet di. Come I will get you fresh then we will go for dinner
Khushi (teary eyes and cracky voice): I want my papa
Abhi (sat on knees and wiped her tears): See baby no one has mumma papa here. We have so many friends here. Let's go for dinner then I will make you meet new friends
Khushi (took step back): I want papa not fend (friends)

Abhi (glaring, dominant tone): I said let's go for dinner or we will go leaving you here only

Khushi got a bit scared and hug avni. Avni took her in room and get her ready for dinner.

All came for dinner. As per the ritual they were doing pray but still khushi was silently sobbing.

Somehow they manage and feed her bit but she didn't stopped sobbing. Only she want her papa

After dinner

Wardener: Avneet take khushi in room and make her sleep. She has cried alot. So she will sleep quickly. If she isn't sleeping. Inform me I will inject her. Morning she have school
Avni: Okay ma'am

 Morning she have schoolAvni: Okay ma'am

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(Rooms are like this)

Everyone went in room. Avneet tried to make her sleep but she wasn't ready. She was scared of atmosphere. Just then sidshek came in avni's room. They saw khushi was still crying. Her eyes, nose were red

Abhi sat on floor beside her bed and took her on lap. She quickly hug his torso. Sniffling to him

Khushi (sobbing silently): Why they tilled (killed) my papa?
Abhi (trying to cheer girl's mood): Leave all this. You know we can go to have icecream? You said that you love icecreams, right?
Abhi (nodded but was sad): Yes! I love iceceam but you will not leave me nah? Like my papa

With these she started sobbing violently

Abhi (wiped her tears): I promise I won't leave you princess
Khushi (looked at him smiling little): Am I your pincess?
Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Yes. You are my princess
Khushi (smiled widely): Oh! So you are my king
Abhi (chuckled): Okay. By the way. I am your abhi bhai
Khushi: No Abhi papa
Abhi (widening his eyes): No papa. It's bhai
Khushi: You are my abhi papa

She stood up hugging him through neck. Sidneet were adoring them

Abhi (explaining her): See baby. You call me bhai not papa
Khushi (irritated): No. Abhi papa
Abhi (pout, in baby voice): Please abhi bhai

Khushi aparted the hug. Keeping her tiny, chubby hands on hips and pout

Khushi: See I can also do this (pout) my this (pout) is good than you. So you don't tiy this. You are my abhi papa
Abhi (wrapping his arms around her tiny body, hugging her): Okay! I lost you won. Now you sleep. Tomorrow you have school
Khushi (kissing boy's cheek): Yes. Then we will go for iceceam (licking her lips)

He chuckled and make her lay on bed and she slept soon

To be continue.....

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