Chapter 29

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Abhinavi was walking towards home silently

Abhi (breaking the silence): Tell me about your family
Vaish (fake smiled): Mom, Dad and younger brother
Abhi (controlling his tears): A complete family
Vaish (out of words): Hmm....
Abhi (hurriedly): Okay bye

He ran from there. His eyes were filled with tears

Vaish (rolling her eyes): Weird. This guy is really challenging to understand

Her eyes fell on a group of boys. She saw a boy in group and got shock

Vaish (scared): Vikas... He saw me with Abhishek. Hope I will be safe

She looked at vikas. Who has anger on his face. Vaish hung her head low and went from there

With Abhi. His mind flooded with memories. Tears roll down on his cheeks

He starts taking deep breaths. Abhi went to his path. He took his water bottle and washed his face. Wiped his tears and cleaning his face. He somehow calmed himself

Abhi's pov: I have to stay away from Vaishnavi. Only 2days she spend time with me. In these 2days. I raised my hand on Sid. He wasn't at fault at all but then too. Hope now I can control myself or else cause of me Avni and Sid's time will be spoiled

He calmly went to orphanage and took avu with him after completing the formalities

He went home with Avu. He knocked the door and sid open it. Khushi was in kitchen. Abhi directly went inside. Leaving sidneet alone

In kitchen as abhi reached. He kiss khushi's cheek, picking her in arms

Khushi (pout): No talk with me?
Abhi (raising his eyebrow): Why? Princess
Khushi: I want to talk with you on pone (phone) abhi papa
Abhi (chuckled): Tomorrow when I will go office. I will call you then we will talk on phone for whole day
Khushi (excited): Yessss (shout) Bad chachu see I will talk with abhi papa on pone
Abhi: Shh! Chachu is busy

She jump from his arms and went to see what Sid is doing. She saw sidneet hugging

Khushi (pout): I want hug chaccchhuuuu

Sidneet broke the hug

Sid (rolling his eyes): I am bad chachu. So I will not give you hug
Khushi (raising her arms to pick up): Chaccchhhuuu

Sid chuckled and pick her in arms, hugging her

Khushi (ruffling his hairs): Bad chachu
Abhi (shout): Sid we have rooms inside then why you always want to stay at door with avni?

Sidneet, khushi went inside. Abhi was smirking at sidneet

And here his teasing starts. Khushi was giggle without understanding anything

Sid: Leave all this. Let's make dinner. I am hungry
Abhi (smirk): What are you planning to eat?

Sid looked at abhi with eyes wide open. Abhi starts laughing

They made dinner then ate it. All time abhi was teasing sidneet

Meanwhile at vaish. She reached home and starts cooking quickly. Her mind was scared what vikas will do?

Some minutes later. Vikas came home

Vikas (shout): Vaishnavi

Vaish, Vm, Vd came out in living area

Vm (concerned): What happened beta? She did something? Why you are looking angry?
Vikas (holding Vaish's jaw): Ask her what she was doing? Ask her mom
Vd (shout): What the hell you did Vaishnavi? Why you are making our life hell?

Vikas push her in anger

Vikas (angry): She is roaming in town with a boy. At this time if she can roam with any random boy then what she can do in day
Vm (took deep breath): Vikas bacha calm down. I know about her spending time with random boys regularly. This way is paying us 20k per month. We shouldn't care what she is doing. She just don't have go to a place that she knows very well
Vikas (smirk): Is it? Then you can go. I don't care

He left from there. Vd too went in room

Vm (rudely): Now stop these crocodile tears. Make dinner. We are starving. Don't forgot you aren't allowed to go to a place or consequences you know

Vaish nodded and wiped her tears. She did whole work. Words, things done by her family don't affect her 1% she accepted the reality. She knows KyaRoh are there for her

She completed her work and had dinner. She was taking coffee to make but abhi's words came in her mind. She put back coffee on place and made juice for her

After that they slept

To be continue.....

Story is gonna be bit hurry. With little little leaps. As I am focusing on main story. So bare me

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