Something To Know About

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Warning: Read this at your own risk

1. This isn't part of story. This chapter is related to story but not part of it. So you can skip it if you think I am lecturing

2. If you are not reading Ideal World Isn't Real and Altering My Future both anyone story you might get confused. You can comment down I will try to explain

Few days back I asked on message board. What is meant by open minded person?

Response I got

1. Open minded person can think everyone has different point of you

2. Person who thinks orthodox is crime and fight for it

3. My parents are superstitious they don't let me go for sleepovers. I want to go for sleepovers means I am open minded.

4. Suppose a girl is having sex with 3,4 ex-bf for fun then a boy is marrying and accepting her as he is open minded

5. Don't agreeing parents for follow of superstition is open minded

6. Running away from supersitios parents and enjoy the life fully

7. See in lockdown I fought with my parents and made them give me permission to go to mall with friends in lockdown. This was what open minded person is

8. A person who accepts everything happening in the surrounding wheather it is right or wrong and always supports what is right, who don't fight and shout and ready to kill anyone for the sack of wrong this. A person who calmly think how to correct the wrong things of surrounding, society

I got so many similar responses like this. I haven't shared all the responses but that was not less. So this means open minded for people

Actual meaning of open mind person is according to me:
Open mind means Accepts everything that's happening but knows what is right and what is wrong

So let's take some examples:

In chapter 43 of Ideal World Isn't Real I asked in last. Abhi and Sid ran away from family was right or wrong. In response most of you said He did right. To living with orthodox family is difficult

So now my question is after running away from family his life turned into good? Obviously No

Let's see Avneet in Altering My Future. She is living with orthodox dadi. In chapter 43. Guru ji told her that for the sake of superstition Avneet have to walk on Burning Coal. It's totally wrong but after that 7 painful minutes will her dadi leave her alone?

The way after mentally torture Abhi was alone in dark room without food and water (Chapter 2,3 of Ideal World Isn't Real) he was badly suffering when he was 14. Now when Avneet will be 18 in Altering My Future. She have bare pain of 7minutes after that will Avneet's dadi too leave her alone? No obviously no. Reason? Because her dadi love her but was abhi being loved by anyone? No

So actually what I want to explain you guys is in real Ideal World Isn't Real. The world we imagine, think and want to be around isn't real. You can fight with your parents but you can't fight with cruel world

If you noticed In chapter 42 of Ideal World Isn't Real I mentioned 1st Abhi's dadi's death then business loss make Akshara and Naitik believe in Superstition.

When in young age only Akshara and Naitik gave a huge profit company on the name of kids who were not even 15. So such parents don't love their kids?

Everyone saw Sid and abhi's side. Sid and abhi lost sister but at the same point no one knows about Akshara and Naitik's point. They too lost daughter. Everyone judged Akshara and Naitik just because they have superstitious thinking

You all thinks superstitious parents don't love their childs because they don't give freedom to child but in reality they loves you alot. Their love is what makes them insecure for their child that's why they believe on superstition

Let's take live example:

Parents can sacrifice money, life or whatever they have just to save daughter's dignity. On the other hand that daughter only is taking about having sex with 3, 4 bfs for fun. What you are expecting from parents of that girl?

When in lockdown child is fighting as he or she wants to go to mall with friends. What you are expecting from parents of that child?

See I am not saying superstitious person is right but such child is also not right but parents doing whatever is because they want their child to be happy and safe. They love you and care for you

The one who is saying abhi did right that he ran away. So to those I am saying he did wrong. He didn't ran away from family. He ran from problems

Till now I explained you Ideal World Isn't Real
Now I will explain you to change the old thinking of parents. Let's see in Altering My Future

As per plot both the names of ff wasn't matched but whatever I want to explain is just perfect with story names.

Till now I was taking both the stories with same speed because I want you to explain this points when abhi's past will open and Avni's situation

I hope I explained you through story and this message as well

Those who are thinking I am doing this for promotion of other story. Just to go hell please

If you guys face any of such difficulty and want consultation. You can contact priyaxsidneet my soul sisso

That's all

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