Chapter 16

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Vaish (glaring abhi): Prince charm of blind girls are you also blind?
Abhi (smirk): My eyesight is perfect but I think you want to add in list of my blind lovers

Everyone in cafeteria started enjoying show with lunch

Vaish (shout): I would love to die that rather than being your blind lover
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Whatever. What the hell you are doing here?
Vaish (plainly): I am here to cook the clothes into Paneer Tikka
Abhi (wide eyes open cause of shock): What?
Vaish (rolling her eyes): It's fashion industry. So I am here as fashion designer
Abhi (shaking his head in disbelief): Company have to bare of loss cause of you. Do you even know D of Design?

Abhi was about to reply but a man came in between

Man (stopping them): Stop it. It's office not your home
Abhinavi (looking at man): Mr Malhotra he/she troubling me
Mr Malhotra: Once more fight. One more shout you both will be suspended. Abhishek it's 1st day of her in office. You should welcome her. Vaishnavi it's his birthday. So wish him not fight with him

As abhinavi heard suspense they both got quite. As both know how important job them

Abhi: Okay I am sorry. Welcome to company Ms?
Vaish: Vaishnavi Sharma
Abhi (nodded): Ms. Vaishnavi Sharma
Vaish: I am also sorry. Happy Birthday
Mr Malhotra: He is Abhishek Nigam
Vaish: Mr. Abhishek Nigam

Both parted their ways. They took coffee and food. They silently had food and went back to work

This is how they spent the day. It was evening. Time to go home. Everyone was winding up their work of the day when a woman of mid 30's came to Abhi

Woman: Abhishek Nigam
Abhi: Yes Mrs. Sharma
Woman: Abhishek sir is calling you in cabin now
Abhi (smiled): Yeah Mrs. Sharma. I will go

He left his work and went to cabin. He was damn excited as he knows why sir call him. He reached the cabin and knock the door

Voice: Come in

Abhi went in cabin

Abhi: Sir you called me?
Boss: Yes! Have your seat

He sat on seat

Boss: So I am impressed with your work and the accent of your design is really impressive. Actually I called you here to give you the keys

He hands the keys to abhi. Abhi was really really happy

Abhi: Thank you sir. Thank you so much
Boss: No need of Thanks. Anyways your documents I have but a few more documents you have to submit for house
Abhi: Sure sir. I will which documents

He explained the documents which abhi have to submit and also where the house is he was explained

Abhi: By monday morning I will submit all these documents
Boss: Alright. You can leave now. After all it's your birthday. I will guide you about next project on monday. And yaa once again Happy Birthday
Abhi (smiled): Thank you sir

He left the cabin. He was damn happy. Finally he got house for himself, sid and khushi. He fear he had reduced now. He quickly completed his work then wrapped his stuff. Vaish too completed her by now and wrapped her stuff

Both went out of office and was walking for home. By coincidence they have same root for home till half

But both were walking at distance from each other as they don't want to talk with each other or fight with each other

After sometime. Abhi reached at orphanage. All were there. Some were playing. Some were studying and few were making food. He was searching for sidneet

Wardener saw him

Wardener: Abhishek come in my cabin

She left. Abhi too went behind

Wardener: So searching for something?
Abhi: Yaa Ma'am Sid, Avni and khushi where are they?
Wardener (chuckled): In rooms. They are packing stuff. You got keys?
Abhi: Yes Ma'am. House is at 10mins walk from here
Wardener: That's great. Congratulations for new beginnings and Many many happy returns of this day
Abhi (smiled): Thank you ma'am. Can I leave?
Wardener: Yaa you can. Your papers are ready. Tomorrow morning before leaving you have to sign few documents and I will give you papers

Abhi nodded and left. He went in his room and saw Sid was packing

Abhi (ran to hug him): Siddharth
Sid (shocked for few seconds then hug back): Bhai
Abhi (apart the hug): I got the keys. Now our new life will began

Sid nodded happily

To be continue.....

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