Chapter 44

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Abhi reached home. It was evening as he reached home. He noticed door was locked

Abhi's pov: Sid and khushi must be went to drop Avneet. It's already late

He opened the door with spare keys. He went in and first he went to Washroom washing his face, splashing water on face continously. After few minutes he got fresh and went in balcony. He stood there thinking about whatever is happening and about his past


When Sidneet and abhi was in orphanage. When their old wardener was there. Abhi wasn't getting electric shocks on that day. He got it on previous day. As per punishment they 3 were sitting in room. They were too young to discuss and plan about how to get free from here

Abhi was lying on sid's lap. His condition was weak. He don't have any strength. They were silent but comfortable with each other. Suddenly avni starts sobbing

Avni (sobbing): I want it. I want it
Abhi (sitting up): No Avni you can't
Avni (violently sobbing): I want it bhai. Please give me bit. I want it. Please

Abhi and Sid was trying to control her. They don't know how to do it. Avni's addiction was so difficult to handle. She was begging them and sobbing badly. Already they were hungry and thirsty. She was damn weak

Sid (sobbing silently): Bhai can we give her?
Abhi (nodding in no): No we can't Sid. It's not good for her
Avni (joining her hands): I want a bit please. A bit only please bhai

As abhi said no. Sid agreed and both were trying to calm her but as time was passing. She was loosing her control it was difficult for them to handle. Fortunately avni faint

Both make her lay properly on bed and went on sid's bunk bed. They silently laid there waiting for everyone to go. So that they can go and steal the food

Some minutes later. They got chance and steal the food which they could and came back to room silently

After locking the door from inside. Sid splash water on avni's face. They wake her and had food. After having food

Abhi: See tomorrow I will be not here. So sid you have to take care of avni. You can't let her have drugs

Sid nodded. They just laid on bed like before

Abhi's pov: Tomorrow again that pain. They tie my hands, legs and even on stomach they tie node then that current. I was feeling my whole body numb. It was so bad

He was sobbing silently remembering all this. Sid looked at abhi

Sid (teary eyes): Bhai
Abhi (hug sid): We are strong and we will fight with this

Sid nodded. Both stayed like that for sometime then Sid slept in abhi's embrace. Abhi looked down at avu and saw her sleeping. He sighed and slept thinking about next day


Abhi was lost in thoughts when khushi came and hug his legs. Abhi came back to senses. He wiped his tears and took khushi in arms

Khushi (pout): I want to meet vaishu didi
Abhi (smiled): Some other day?

Khushi nodded. Just then abhi's phone rang. He took it from pocket and saw I'd vaishu

Khushi (clapping): Vaishu didi

Abhi chuckled receiving the call

Vaish: Hey!
Abhi: Hi
Vaish: How's you now?
Abhi: I am better. Don't worry
Khushi (irritate): Give me pone. I want to talk with vaishu didi

Abhi put it on speaker

Khushi (pout): Vaishu didi you don't meet me today with abhi papa
Abhi (confused): Who told you I went to meet vaishu?
Khushi (shout): Chachu

Sid came to balcony listening khushi's voice

Sid: What happened?
Khushi: You go. You go

Sid peeped in abhi's phone and saw I'd

Sid (smirk): Oh! Family time but bhai I am also part of family. You forgot as you got bhabhi

He said wiping his fake tears. Abhi looked at Sid with eyes wide open

Khushi (fake crying): Abhi papa met vaishu didi but no me

Vaish chuckled listening this melodrama

Vaish (giggle): You both always fight with each other but today you are in one team
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Khushi you too joined chachu's team
Sid (smirk): She want vaishu mumma. So she have to

Abhinavi shocked

Khushi (confused): What? What?
Abhi (stammering): Yo.. your.. ch.. cha... chachu... is.. go.. gone mad
Sid (taking khushi): Let's go we will draw shinchan. (Smirk): Bhai bhabhi you enjoy

Sidshi left. Abhinavi blush

To be continue....

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