Chapter 6

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Next Morning. With Vaish after completing her all work. She went to college

KyaRoh was already there waiting for her

Kiyu (Hug vaish): So how was Vikas's birthday?
Vaish (fake excitement): Awesome, Fabulous. We enjoyed alot
Kiyu (apart the hug, rolling her eyes): We enjoyed or they enjoyed?
Roh (hit Vaish's forehead lightly): You were in college library for whole day
Vaish (shocked): How you got to know about it?
Kiyu: Yesterday after college we went to wish vikas. We didn't find you there nor your family cared
Roh: When she asked about you they said they don't know
Kiyu: I know how much studies matter for you. So I knew you must be in library
Vaish (smiled meekly): You guys are the best
Kiyu (proudly): I know! I know
Roh: Leave it. I am amazing news for you
Vaish (smirk): Wait! Kiyu you are pregnant? I will be aunt soon? Yeah! That's the best news ever. I have few names in mind for boy and girl too. If you have twins then too no issue of name

By now KyaRoh turned red

Kiyu (kept her hand on Vaish's mouth): Idiot what you are blabbering? We are just 17-
Roh (cuts her): Correction I am 18 not 17
Kiyu (glaring roh): Whatever
Vaish: What's the problem? You both can handle everything. You 2 are handling each other that's the biggest challenge of your that's going so smoothly. Nothing is impossible for you now
Roh (held kiyu's hand): Let's go for lecture. She isn't interested in news. We should leave for lecture
Vaish (laughing loud): Sorry sorry. I was just pulling your leg. Now say
Roh (rolling his eyes): College has arranged placement workshops for undergraduate too
Kiyu: Tomorrow here will be interviews. So we have holiday
Roh: We will spend day out together. Full fun day
Vaish: You both go for date. I can't join you
KyaRoh (shocked): Why?
Vaish: It's for undergraduate as well. So I want to try once in fashion industry. You know nah it's my dream to lead a fashion industry
Kiyu: But your dream is to lead India's top company. Which isn't gonna be workshop. That firm only hire trained, professional, experienced and knowledge as well
Vaish: Exactly from now only if I will try then may be one day I can get my dream job
Kiyu: Huh! Fine
Roh: You have to enroll the name
Vaish (squealing in happiness): Yeah! Let's go I have to leave early I need to prepare designs for tomorrow's interview as well

They 3 went for lectures. After lectures vaish enroll her name then went home after lectures

Meanwhile with Abhi. After getting ready they also left for University

At University. As they reached

Abhi: Sid, Avi you both go for lectures. I am going to enquire about interview workshop
Sid: Okay

Sidneet went to lectures. After enquiring and enrollment abhi went to lectures.

After lectures both completed their respective jobs then sat preparing for interview. Whole day spend like this

At night. In Orphanage

After having dinner. Sidneet, khushi came in abhi's room and saw him preparing designs for tomorrow's interview

Khushi (folding her arms, she stood in front of abhi): Abhi papa have dinner
Abhi (looked at her and smiled): Later I will have now I have important work
Sid: Bhai we bought dinner for you here. Have it then do your work
Abhi: Sid I don't have time. Now don't disturb me. Go and prepare for your tomorrow's test

Khushi sat on pillow which was on abhi's lap

Abhi (pout): Baby I have to do work

She moved a bit and gave him space. Abhi adjusted his papers in that space and continued his work

Khushi: Chachu give me plate
Abhi (shocked): Chachu?
Sid (chuckled): She is my niece. So I am her chachu
Abhi: You taught her about chachu
Avni: Yes bhai
Abhi (showing thumbs up): Carry on

Sid gave plate to khushi. She starts feeding abhi. Sidneet saw them and chuckled

Abhi (annoyed): Get lost. Don't disturb me

Sidneet went. Khushi was feeding abhi. Abhi was too focused on work that he didn't realised how small bites khushi was feeding him. After 45mins still khushi was feeding him but he completed his work now

He kept the papers aside then make khushi sit properly. He was eating and she was talking with him

With vaish. She completed her work then her studies

Vaish's pov: I hope tomorrow I will get job then I can start working for my dream as well. Bless me mumma papa

Then they slept

To be continue....

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