Chapter 17

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Few minutes later. Avni, khushi came to boys room. They saw boys were so happy

Khushi (excited): Abhi papa

Sidshek looked them. Abhi took khushi in arms and twirled her around. Khushi was giggling, enjoying. Abhi stop

Khushi (shout in excitement): Abhi papa again (pout)

Abhi chuckled and twirled her again. Khushi giggle in excitement. He stop and hug her tight

Khushi (Excited): Happy birday (birthday) abhi papa
Abhi (chuckled): Thank you my cutie

Khushi nodded grinning

Avni (pout): No love for me? Only for Sid and khushi (she wiped her fake tears)

Sid took khushi. Abhi hug avu

Avni (hug him back): So you got keys?
Abhi (happily): Oh! Yes

They aparted the hug

Sid: Okay now calm down we have to plan about tomorrow
Avi: It's sunday. So easily you guys can set everything
Abhi: Let's go for dinner and avni tomorrow you are coming with us? If yes then I have to take permission from wardener
Avi: Yes bhai
Abhi: Alright. Let's go for dinner

Avni held khushi's hand and both left but Sid stood there only. He was sad

Abhi (ruffling his hairs): What happened champ?
Sid: Bhai after we will leave what about Avneet? Can't we take her with us?
Abhi: Sid we can't. It's against rules. You have to wait for her till she turns 18 then only she can leave orphanage
Sid (nodded): I know bhai but you know she isn't expressing but she will feel lonely here. She is sad now only. You remember when we came here how she used to cry as no one was here with her
Abhi: I remember Sid but we can't do anything. We can't take her with us like this. You know nah only those can leave orphanage who are 18 or who have 18+ family member by blood or adoption. See she isn't 18 nor she have any family member by blood nor I can adopt her. So she have to. You can do one thing
Sid (brightening eyes): What bhai?
Abhi: Confess your feelings Sid. Maybe as only friend she don't trust us fully but after your confess. She will faith on your true love and last we can do is I will buy phone for her then at night you can talk with her?
Sid (hug abhi): You are the best bhai. I will surely confess my feelings soon
Abhi: Alright! Let's go for dinner

They went for dinner. Everyone sat for dinner. After dinner

Wardener: So children tomorrow Abhishek, Siddharth and Khushi will leave orphanage. So bid them bye and then go to sleep

All students wish abhi birthday and wish them for new beginnings then went to sleep. Khushek, sidneet too went to sleep. But sidneet wasn't sleepy. As they wer
were sad. Whole night they spent turning sides and thinking about each other

With Vaish. After office she reached home and saw her family was sitting and having chit chat

Vaish (happily): Good Evening
Vikas (making disgust face): Here you came to spoil my mood. Just get lost from here
Vm (stood up, pulling Vaish's hair): Only one day you went for job and started acting. Don't forgot cause of us you are able to complete your dream. Now go and make dinner. We all are starving or you want to die cause of hunger
Vaish (tears roll down on her cheeks): No mumma. I will do. I will make dinner soon. Just give me sometime

Vm pushed her. Vaish balances herself and ran to kitchen. She started cooking quickly. After cooking she served everyone and went to iron the clothes. After completing her all work. She was damn tired. She took her dinner and went to her room. Taking her food and books. She sat on bed studying as well as eating dinner

After dinner she placed the plate on side table and sat studying

After around an hour. She closed the books, changed her clothes and got fresh then laid on bed

Vaish's pov: My 1st day of office. I am fully tired now but I can't lose any hope. For my jaan I have to do hardwork. For my dream. I know soon everything will be fine. Mumma papa I love you alot

Soon she drift to slept not before setting next mornings alarm

To be continue......

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