Chapter 19

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Next Morning. Vaish's alarm rang before sunrise. She woke up and brush her teeth. Her eyes wasn't opening properly. She made coffee first then continued doing her work like usual

Whereas with Abhi. He woke up bit early then his regular time. He brushed his teeth then started his work with laundry. In few minutes Sid came

Sid: Good Morning Bhai
Abhi: Morning Sid
Sid: Bhai you complete till the time I will clean the house then I will make breakfast and you wake khushi and get her ready for school
Abhi: Alright. I will go drop khushi at school and you go to pick avni then meet at college

Sid nodded and left to do the work. Abhi completed his laundry they got ready and went to wake khushi

Abhi (caressing khushi's hair): Princess wake up. You have to get ready for school
Khushi (sleepy, baby voice): No chool (school) abhi papa
Abhi: Arey but me and Sid are going to college. Will you sit alone at home?
Khushi (sat on bed rubbing her eyes): I will come with you to tollege (college)
Abhi (chuckled): College is for big babies and school is for small babies. When you will be big baby I will send you college

Khushi made grumpy. Abhi took her in arms walking towards washroom. He got her ready then Sid, abhi and khushi sat for breakfast. After having breakfast they too left the home

With Vaish completed her work then had breakfast and left for college

After completing college. Sidneet went to pick khushi as it's decided till evening khushi will be with Avneet at her home tuitions

Some minutes later. Abhinavi reached office. Both saw each other but ignored. They came on their seats and started their work

Till lunch break end everything was perfect. After lunch break. They were working when a lady came

Lady: Miss Vaishnavi and Mr Abhishek sir is calling you both in cabin now
Vaish (nervous): Anything important?
Lady: About new project

Abhinavi nodded. Girl left both looked at each other and glare then went to Boss's cabin. At cabin abhi knocked the door

Voice: Come in

Abhinavi entered in cabin and sat in front of boss

Boss: Mr Abhishek and Miss. Vaishnavi I called you here to discuss about a new project. I want you both to do this project together. One of our old client's grand daughter's wedding. So we got contract for wedding outfits. Around 5 functions are there of wedding. So you both have to design 50 outfits for each other. Bride will choose one. I found accent of design is same in both of your work. So I want you both to work together. It's a big contract for us. You have 15days for creation of design
Abhi: But sir we are new in all this. It's our first project. Neither we have guide nor helpers. How can we do it alone?
Boss: It isn't a big deal. See these clients str so old. So if you can't work on this. I have to fire you both. You both can do it. If you completed this properly then outfits of other family for wedding functions will also given to us. Other staff is busy in summer designs and in other work. So I can't help in it. But you both can do it. And yaa for any help and guidance you can contact Mr. Malhotra
Vaish: Okay Sir
Boss: Leave all the works and start this project now. All the best. Timeline is 15days from today. Coordinate with each other
Abhinavi: Thank you sir

Both left the cabin and went and sat on their seats. Abhi was thinking how to talk with vaish

Vaish (sighed): Hello Abhishek
Abhi: Ummm..... Hello Vaishnavi

Both were nervous how to talk further? What to talk

Abhi: We both have to work on this project together. So I hope our previous fights won't affect on project. Cause this job really meas alot for me
Vaish: Yeah I got it and I am expecting same from you as well
Abhi: Yeah! Let's discuss about the project and divide the work
Vaish: Hmm.... Yeah

She took out notepad. Noting abhi's positive and negative qualities with discussing his qualities then she did same with her qualities

After around 1hr. They completed discussion and divided the work. Soon they started working on project

To be continue......

I will skip some part and time as I have to work on main plot

I am not writing much about vaish at home as she don't talk with anyone and always busy in one or other work. So I am just explaining it

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