Chapter 47

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Kiyu (smirk): Here is jijju's call
Vaish: Shut up! It's sid not abhi
Roh (back hug kiyu): Jijju isn't even called you till now
Kiyu (blush): Everyone isn't like you my love
Vaish (roll her eyes): Sid is abhi's younger brother. Now shut up

Vaish was waiting for KyaRoh to go. So that she can call Sid but KyaRoh was in mood of teasing

Kiyu (smirk): Vaishu call back him maybe it's abhi who is dieing to wish you
Roh (smirk): No vaishu don't. Let make him wait a bit yaar
Kiyu (kissing Roh's cheek): Baby why to make him desperate?
Roh (smirk): Maybe this desperation make him confess his love soon
Vaish (shout): Will you both get lost from here?
Kiyu (fake crying): Here we came for you, fought with everyone and you are asking us to leave?
Roh (sadly): Abhi is just friend now and she is behaving with us like this. What she will do when he will be his boyfriend?
Vaish (tears brimming in her eyes): Guys it's not like that yaar. I swear no one can take your place in my heart. You both are my family. I am sorry for behaving rude with you. Please forgive me (she said holding her ears. Tears roll down on her cheeks)

Roh (cups her face): Arey yaar! We were just teasing you. We didn't mean to make you cry
Kiyu (hug vaish): Dumbo yaar. Don't cry. We know you loves us alot
Roh (joining the hug): We too loves you vaishu and most important thing. We have more right on you
Kiyu: If that abhi is proposing you. So you have to tell him that till the me and roh aren't accepting him. He meant nothing to you
Roh (aparting the hug): He have to give us interview too
Kiyu (aparting the hug): Now don't cry and enjoy your 18th birthday
Roh (cups her face and kiss her forehead): Happy birthday bestie
Vaish (smile): Thank you guys
Kiyu (smirk): We are leaving now. You carry on with abhi
Roh (ruffling her hairs): Enjoy your day. We will meet at college

KyaRoh bid bye and left. Vaish was smiling looking at disappearing figure

Vaish's pov: I am Kiyu, Roh for telling you abhi's truth. I didn't told you anything about him other than name and my feelings but I promise I will tell you everything and yes without your approval he will not be my boyfriend

Her phone rang again. She came back to senses. She looked at phone as saw it was video caller I'd Sid. She smiled receiving the call

Meanwhile with Nigams. As vaish didn't received call first time

Abhi: Sid she must be with family
Khushi (nodded): We will call later abhi papa
Abhi (rolling his eyes): You both won't listen to me?
Sidshi (shout): No
Abhi (irritated): Jeez! You kids stop shouting or I will be deaf

Abhi went out of room. Sid call vaish again after a minute. Vaish received the call

Sidshi (shout): Happy birthday vaishu didi
Vaish (chuckled): Thank you my babies
Sid (smiled): Sorry if we disturbed you
Vaish: Nopes. You didn't disturbed me

Just then abhi came in room as he heard sidshi's shout and snatched the phone from sid's hand

Abhi (excited): Happy birthday love

On very next second he bit his tongue realizing the words. Sid snatched phone back glaring him. Vaish was blushing like hell

Sid (changing the topic): So di you cutted cake?
Vaish (controlling her blush): Umm... Yaa
Sid (smiled): Great! You have any plans for tomorrow?
Vaish: Umm... No. Just college and office

They had some chit chat then hangs up the call. Abhi sighed in relief. Both the brothers laid on bed. Khushi sat on sid's stomach

 Khushi sat on sid's stomach

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Imagine Sidshi

Khushi (pout): You don't gave me pone to talk with vaishu didi
Sid (pulling her cheeks): Tomorrow we will call her and whole time I will give you phone, okay?
Khushi (kissing sid's nose): Yess
Abhi: Come now sleep
Khushi (patting sid's chest): I will sleep with chachu
Sid: Okay sleep

Khushi laid on sid's chest and slept in no time

Sid: Bhai you almost spoiled whole plan. I mean if you wanted to propose now only then why we planned for tomorrow
Abhi (rolling his eyes): That's why I said not to call her
Sid: Arey you prepare for tomorrow?
Abhi: Yes but scared alot
Sid: Don't worry. Good night

They slept. Vaish too slept after talking with them

To be continue....

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