Chapter 3

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After sid slept. Abhi got up from bed. He went to get fresh and changed his clothes then he took his clothes and bedsheet and started doing laundry wash

Abhi's pov: I hate myself. I hate. Soon I will be 18 then too just because of dark room I was scared. I was so scared that I didn't realize when I peed. This way I will take responsibility. This way I will handle Sid. Being younger than me he always stands beside me to support. I am elder one I should do this. I should stand beside him but my fate I am troubling him. I hate this life. I hate me. I hate myself. I feel embarrassed, nervous with all this

He was sobbing badly while doing work. His mind was stucked with such thoughts and flashbacks


When abhi was 14. He was locked in dark room. Near the door, he sat sobbing. He was damn scared. Room was filled with insects, scary voices were ringing in his mind. After passing every minute he was getting more and more scared. Cause of this fear he peed in pants

Suddenly the door opened and few friends of abhi stood there. Abhi looked opened door and smile weakly. He was now a bit relax. He stood up. Boys saw abhi's condition and started laughing

Boy1: Abhi look at you. It's like you are 3 old boy you is scared of dark
Boy2 (laughing hard): He isn't 3yr old but he should be 1yr old boy. At least he can use diapers
Abhi (looking down): Please let me go to my room
Boy3: Abhi you need someone to pick you and drop you till room?

All the boys started laughing on him loudly. Abhi was standing there nervous, scared, embarrassed, shameful, sobbing silently. He wanted to run from there but boys was around him in circle. A man of mid 30's came there. All boys saw him and got quite

Man (slapped abhi hard, shout): This whole punishment is for not obeying me. I will make your life hell. If you didn't obey me

Abhi didn't utter a word and was standing silently looking down

Man: Boys go back to your rooms now

Boys nodded and left. Man too left from there. Abhi ran to his room. As he reached his room. He sidneet was there crying. Sid saw him. He saw abhi's messed look

Sid (a loud sob escaped from his mouth): Bhai

He ran to abhi and hug him tight. Taking abhi in his embrace. Whereas abhi was cursing ownself for this disaster in life of both the brothers

After crying for some more minutes. They calmed down. Abhi got fresh and changed his clothes. Sid drag him on bed and make him lay there

Avi: Bhai you must be hungry
Abhi: No. I am good
Avi: Bhai since yesterday night you were there. I know you didn't had anything
Abhi (controlling his tears): We aren't allowed to anything avni. We can't go and take food
Avi (locked the door): I know bhai. That's why I silently stole food for us from kitchen. No one got to know. I promise

She took out food. They 3 share it then Sid make lay abhi on his lap. Massaging his head. Soon abhi drift to sleep


He completed his laundry and went back in room. He laid there but sleep wasn't there. He took photo hugging it and laid there crying silently

Next morning. With vaish. She woke up before her family and did all house chores then she got ready and made breakfast for all then she got ready and left for college.

Few minutes later. She reached college and kiyu and Roh (Rohit) both were waiting for her only

Kiyu: Hi scholar
Vaish (pout): Stop it please
Kiyu (chuckled): Fine let's go for lecture

They were going for lectures

Roh: Vaishu why you skipping your sleep and studying till late? You should take care of your health as well. Your the best family won't gonna take care of you. If you will score less Mark's that's totally okay dear
Kiyu (rolling her eyes): She want to be topper dude

Vaish gave fake smile to them

Vaish's pov: I can't share with you guys or you guys gonna be mad on me. These highest Marks helps me with scholarships. I never got school fees from home. So this only way of completing my study and achieve my dreams. I promise mom dad one day I will make you both proud

To be continue.....

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