Chapter 56

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Next morning. Vaishneet, Khushi, sidshek was sleeping peacefully when someone knocked the door

Vaishneet and Sidshek woke up. They went out of room to open the door. Sid opened the door and saw a boy, lady and man. Boy was having hockey in hand

Sid: What the hell you are doing here vikas?

Vaish got shocked listening vikas. Vikas pushed Sid and came in with his parents. They saw vaish. Vm went towards her and slapped her hard

Sidshek and Avni was damn shocked

Vm: Don't you went for a meeting with AN fashion house son?

Vaish (looking down): I am sorry for lying mumma
Vikas: What the hell you are doing with these losers here?
Sid (coldly): Vikas you are crossing your limits. Get the hell out of here

(A/N: Abhi, sidneet knows vikas as he is only one who bullied abhi in college and make him do situps in front of whole college)

Vikas: Oh yeah! And first you both brothers should finalize for whom Avneet is sister and for whom Avneet is girlfriend or later she have to marry yoh both
Abhi (shout): Vikas
Vikas (smirk): Truth is bitter right? Oh! Ofcourse it is! And (pointing at vaish) you bitch let's go from here
Sid (shout in anger): She is going anywhere

Khushi came out as she woke up cause of shouts

Khushi (irritated): No shout

Everyone saw her. Vaish was damn scared. Vikas went to khushi

Vikas (shout): Fucking get lost
Khushi (confused): What? What? What?
Sid (angrily, pushed vikas): Stay away from her
Vikas: I think she is perfect to keep you losers shut

Everyone was shocked

Vaish's pov: I need to go out of here with mumma, papa and vikas before they come. I need to stop all this now. I am sorry jaan for leaving you but I promise tomorrow only I will be come back and you and me will live happily. I will ask help for Roh. I am sorry jaan but for abhi and Sid I need to do this

Vaish (shout): Stop all this. It was me who stayed here. It wasn't fault of anyone. Mumma I will come with you please leave them
Avni (teary eyes): Didu
Sid (angry): Di you are not going anywhere. They can't do anything. Don't worry
Abhi (shout): Vaishu isn't coming with you. Just leave you all before I complain in police

Vikas silently tiptoed to khushi

Vikas (holding khushi's throat): Complain in police and be ready to see her dead body

He held khushi's throat the one hand even closing her mouth with his big hand. With other hand he took her in arms. Khushi started crying in no time. She wasn't able to breath

Abhi (angrily shout): Leave her vikas
Vikas (smirk): Go on and complain in police. Come on loser
Vd (calmly): See Bitch we don't care if you are alive or dead but you leaked the secrets and don't expect any mercy from us. Since years you were in our cage now you will be free leaving us behind the bars than that's not gonna happen
Sid (shout): Vikas leave her and fight with me
Vaish (joining her hands, begging): Let her please. I will come with you. Please leave her place
Vm: Definitely not. Leaving her. We will take you then your boyfriends will go and complain in police station. Do you think we are fools
Abhi (tears roll down her cheeks): Vikas leave her. I am ready to do whatever you want but leave khushi vikas
Vd (patting abhi's cheek): Oh boy! I heard in college also you trouble my son. So now we will leave khushi and beat you up the way we want. Ask your girlfriends and brother to stay away from you till the time we aren't leaving you and also they will see you how we are beating you
Abhi (stuttering): I am ready. Sid, vaishu, Avu don't come and protect me please for khushi

No words came out of anyone's mouth. Vikas left khushi's mouth and throat but didn't let her go. Vd took out his belt and Vikas threw hockey towards Vm. Vd was about to push belt towards abhi

Voice (shout): How dare you to touch my son?

Everyone snapped in direction and saw Naitik and Akshara was there. Everyone was damn shocked

Naitik (roaring): I asked something

Belt slipped from Vd's hand and hockey from Vm's hand. Khushi fell on ground breathing heavily as she slipped from vikas's arms. Sid quickly ran towards her and took her in arms. She hug tight, catching her breath.  As they was damn scared of Naitik and Akshara

To be continue....

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