Chapter 2

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Somewhere else. Same day late evening. A girl was cooking in kitchen while humming song. A lady entered in kitchen

Lady (rudely): Vaishnavi dinner is ready? We all are hungry
Vaish (smiled): Yes mumma. Everything is ready

(Author: VM as Vaish's mother, Vd as Vaish's dad and Vikas vaish's younger brother)

Vm (spat on vaish): Then for who the hell you are waiting? Your prince charming won't come to serve us. Set the table now
Vaish (stuttering): Yaa mom 2mins. Only 2
Vm (walk away mumbling): She will definitely kill us with hunger

Vaish who was happy cause of all this her mood spoiled. She quickly set the dining table and everyone came. They all sat and started eating. Vaish served them then stood at distance. Waiting for them to complete it. After they had dinner

Vm (rude tone): Vaishnavi clean the dishes then take laundry from everyone's room and clean the rooms
Vaish: Yes mom

Everyone went in room. Vaish had her dinner then clean the dishes. She took laundry from everyone's room and clean the rooms. So that they can sleep

After she did all this. She went in Vm and Vd's room with cake. She knocked the door

Vm: Come in

She entered in room

Vd (glaring vaish): Bitch what you want?
Vaish (scared): Mom, dad it's vikas's birthday. So I prepared this cake for him. Now it's 11.50. In 10mins it's birthday. So to surprise him
Vm (rude): Okay! Give it to us. Don't you dare to enter in room and spoil our happy moments
Vaish (smiled): I won't mom. Thank you
Vd (angrily): Place it on table then get lost. And yaa remember we don't want you near us at our happy time

Vaish nodded with tears. She placed the cake on table and left. She went in kitchen and make coffee for herself then went in room

In Vaish's room. She locked herself in room. Placed coffee on table and went in washroom after changing and getting fresh. She came out of washroom and saw the time. It was sharp 12

Vaish took her family picture from her cupboard

Vaish (kissing the photo): Happy Birthday baby brother. Have a long life, happy and healthy life

She placed photo back in cupboard and took her books. She sat on bed opening her books. She starts doing practical studies while drinking coffee

After around an hour. Her phone rang. She saw the caller I'd and smiled. She quickly received it

Call conversation

Voice (sleepy voice): Vaishu it's 1.10 now go and sleep. Your today's studies are enough for tomorrow's test. So now sleep. In morning you have to wake up early to clean the laundry and make breakfast for your family. So now sleep
Vaish (chuckled): Sure madame. I am sleeping
Voice: Good night vaishu
Vaishu: Good night kiyu

She hangs up the call then closed her books and went to sleep. Soon vaish drift to sleep

Kiyu is kyaaraa. Vaish's classmate, best friend and well wisher

At orphanage. After khushi slept

Sid (smirk): Abhi papa
Abhi (glaring): Will you shut up?
Sid (chuckled): Sorry sorry but bhai I got a cute niece
Abhi (kissing khushi's forehead): She is really cute

His eyes filled with tears. He quickly wiped them

Abhi: Let's go and sleep. We have college in morning
Sid: Yes bhai. Let's go
Abhi: Avni take care of khushi and yours. We are here only beside your room
Avni (smiled): Yes bhai I know you are with me always

Abhi nodded. Sid and abhi went in room. Avi went on her bunk bed and slept remembering her family

In boys room. Both went on their beds and laid down. They both took out a photo from the cover of their pillows. Both hug the photo and was sobbing silently. They thought their brother is sleeping.

After a lot of sobbing finally they drift to sleep hugging the photo.

Suddenly in midnight. Lights of orphanage got cut. Everything was dark in orphanage

Abhi sensed it and quickly open his eyes. He was scared of dark room. He started sobbing violently, forehead was sweating, shivering as his past starts haunting him

Sid heard his brother's violent sobs. He woke up and jumped from his bunk bed. Sitting beside abhi.

Sid (panicked): Bhai I am here. Don't worry bhai. I am here
Abhi (shout): Go from here Sid
Sid (hug abhi): No bhai. I am here with you
Abhi (pushed sid, shout): I said go means go. I can handle myself. You go and sleep

Lights turned on

Abhi (firmly): Now you go and sleep. I am fine. Go

Sid don't have other option he went. Sid slept in few minutes

To be continue........

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