Chapter 36

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Vaish continued making designs. Abhi came in room after some time

Abhi: Let's go lunch is ready then you can continue your designs
Vaish: Umm... Yeah. I just need to wash my hands
Abhi: Okay! This way is washroom

Vaish left for washroom. Abhi saw his personal diary. He panicked and quickly took it. He ran towards cupboard. Keeping it secretly

Abhi (sighed): Thank God. No one saw this. Specially vaishu or she would have ask questions related to everything

Tears leak from his eyes and he starts breathing heavily. He wiped his tears and calm himself. Vaish saw everything. She heard his words

Vaish's pov: Abhi isn't normal. He behave is weird. Sometimes he care, sometimes he cries, sometimes laugh and enjoys his life, sometimes he is ready to burst on anyone. Mood changes is normal behave of human being but his mood changes in mini seconds. His mind is fully distributed. Why he don't want anyone to see his book? Should I ask? I should ask Sid instead of abhi

Whereas abhi, his mood changed in happy

Abhi (rubbing his tummy): Vaishu be quick. I am hungry

Vaish came back to senses and she came out of washroom. Abhi saw her

Abhi: Let's go

Vaish nodded. Both went on dinning table and had lunch then vaish started her designs again. Abhi took his books and start studying

Vaish: Abhi it's just 1 design. I know you can do it
Abhi (gritting his teeth): I know what should I do and what I shouldn't. So if you think i don't then unfortunately you are wrong. So will you stop interfering in my personal matters?
Vaish (calmly): But abhi think calmly for once. We both belongs to middle class family. We have such a big opportunity to complete our dreams. To give our family what they deserve. To prove ourselves. This job will be helpful for you to give a better future to Sid and khushi
Abhi (chuckled): I seriously don't knew you care so much for us but sorry to blast your bubble of Hopes. I don't want this job Miss. Vaishnavi Mehta. Now focus on your work. Don't spoil my mood (he was glaring her hard)

Vaish nodded. Abhi continued his study. Vaish continued her designs. Silently they were doing work for hours they were so busy in work that they didn't realise it was evening now

Door bell rang. Both looked at time

Abhi: Sid and khushi must be here

Vaish nodded. Abhi went and open the door. Sidshi was standing there. Abhi took khushi in arms and directly went in room

As they reached in room. Khushi saw vaish

Khushi (shout in excitement): Vaishu didi

Vaish chuckled and took her in arms. Khushi kiss on her whole face

Khushi (pulling Vaish's cheek): My cute cute vaishu didi (she said singing)

Abhinavi chuckled. Sid came in room and saw this

Sid (hugging vaish): Sweety I missed you so much

He kiss on Vaish's forehead

Abhi (jealousy was clear in his voice): Sid stop flirting
Vaishu (smirking internally): He is flirting with me. I don't have issue. Why you are being jealous?
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Whatever

He went out of room

Sid (smirk): Someone enjoyed seeing her lover being jealous, hmm?
Vaish (blush): Stop it
Sid (pulling Vaish's cheek): Aww! My bhabhi is blushing
Vaish (shocked): What? 😳😳
Sid (smirk): Don't you love abhi bhai? Oh sorry I mean my abhi bhai
Vaish (nervous): Umm... Voh... I.. Umm... ab.. abb...
Khushi (confused): What you are talking?
Sid (pinch khushi's nose softly): Your vaishu didi want to be your vaishu mumma
Vaish (looking at Sid with eyes wide open): Siddddd
Sid (smirk): What? I said truth and most importantly the way you were searching for say yes is an indication that you are in love with my bhai. If it was no then you would have slap me
Khushi (confused): What you are saying?
Sid (chuckled): Later I will explain you, okay?
Khushi (excited): Yes
Vaish (kissing khushi's cheek): Baby you go to abhi papa and get fresh

Khushi nodded. Vaish make her stand on floor. Khushi ran to abhi

Vaish (nervous): I wanted to talk with you about abhi
Sid (nodded): 1st tell me do you love abhi bhai?

Vaish blush and nodded. Sid chuckled and hug vaish

Sid (kissed her forehead): I got the best sister in you
Vaish's pov: He is one whom I am just meeting 2nd time and he loves me like real sister and one is vikas but why I am spoiling my mood thinking about vikas

She hug Sid. He too hug her back protectively

To be continue....

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