Chapter 5

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Khushi set beside abhi. Avi sat in front of 3. Khushi was glaring abhi

Abhi: How's my princess?
Khushi (folding her arms near chest): You on't (don't) talk with me
Abhi (raising his eyebrow): Why?
Khushi (pout): You cold (scold) me and tout (shout) on me
Abhi (holding his ears): Okay! I'm sorry. I'm sorry

Khushi nodded and sat on his stomach, resting her head on his chest. She hug him. Abhi got a bit shocked as it was new for him but he wrap his arms around her

Khushi (sobbing silently): Bad uncle came home with big gun and tout (shout) on my papa then till (kill) my papa

Abhi realised she is scared of shouts. She is phobic. He sat straight. Taking khushi on lap. She hug him and was sobbing

Abhi (caressing her hair): I will not shout on you promise. I will be with you but you have to obey me. Like my good princess
Khushi: Yes I will not touble (trouble) you
Abhi (apart the hug, cups her face): Don't cry and smile now

He starts tickling her. She starts laughing her heart out. Sidneet was admiring them. Looking at abhi laughing his heart out. Sid felt relaxed

After few minutes. They calmed. Khushi jumped from abhi's lap and sat on bad

Khushi (patting her lap): Abhi papa sleep here
Abhi (raising his eyebrow): Why?
Khushi (patting her lap): Come come sleep

Abhi laid on her lap

Imagine them as khushek (abhi and khushi)

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Imagine them as khushek (abhi and khushi)

Khushi starts pulling his hair

Abhi (holding her hands): Ouch! Ouch!! Baby you are hurting me
Khushi (Shooking her head): No! No!! I did same as he (pointing at sid)

Sid (raising his eyebrows): I was massaging not pulling hair
Avni: No worries. I will teach you how to do head massage, okay?
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yes yes yes

Avni pull Sid by his collar and make him lay his head on her lap

Sid (shocked): Jeez girl! I am not running away
Anvi (glare him): Shut up. See baby how to do

She was teaching her. Khushi was following avi.
Sid hug her waist while enjoying hair massage. Abhi saw him and kick on his butt

Sid (lay properly): Ouch! Bhai
Abhi (smirking): Lay properly
Avni (blushing, trying to ignore topic): Bhai how was your interviews?
Abhi: No from both interviews. They rejected. I have to apply at other firms as well
Avni: Bhai college is also arranging placements in 3days. Why not you are trying there in undergraduation workshops?
Abhi (comfused): I don't knew about if
Sid (rolling his eyes): Today only college announced bhai
Abhi: Yeah I will try there. Only 15days I have to search a proper job and home. 1st I need to search suitable job then as per salary I can choose home
Sid: Don't worry bhai we are with you
Khushi (shout): Abhi papa I will tell you Tory (story)
Sidneet, abhi (confused): Tory?
Khushi (pout): No no tory. I will tell you tory
Abhi (confused): Okay!
Avni: I think she is saying story
Khushi: Yes. There was a lion. He was goo boi (good boy). He always do goodie goodie then he went for party. Pinich (finish)
Sid (confused): Lion can't go for party
Khushi (pout): Yes lion went
Sid: Arey but lion can't go
Khushi (slapping on abhi's forehead in anger): Lion went, okay?
Abhi (kicking sid): Shut up sid. Lion went for party that's it
Sid (rolling his eyes): Duh!!
Khushi (excited): 1 more tory. A bad boy was there. He was sleeping, sleeping and sleeping only. Pinich (finish)
Sid (groaned): Wake him then
Khushi (shout a bit): No. He is bad boi (boy). Now one more
Sid: Wait! Your stories are wrong. Story should have moral
Khushi (looking down at abhi): Is it?
Abhi (pulling her cheek): Yes baby
Khushi (nodding): Okay

She was thinking for few seconds

Khushi (excited): Now I will tell tory
Sid (smirk): Your story has moral?
Khushi (excited): Yyeessssss. A boy was there. His name was moral

Abhineet chuckled, sid smack his forehead

Khushi (pointing at sid): Don't do this. Abhi papa moral was goo boi (good boy) not like him (pointing at sid)

Abhi nodded. Abhineet chuckled. Sid closed his eyes ignoring all

Khushi: Moral go to school, do all good good. He is good boy nah. Pinich (finish)
Abhi: Okay good girl. Now let's sleep
Khushi (pout): I will sleep with you
Abhi: Okay okay!

Avni bid bye and went in her room. Khushek slept cuddling each other. Sid went on his bunk bad laid and hug his photo remembering his past

To be continue...

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