Chapter 11

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Next Morning. It was sunday. Every child love sunday the most in a week but vaish. It was early morning. Vaish was sleeping peacefully when someone knocked the door of her room. She woke in time and opened the door. Vm was standing there

Vaish (smiled): Good Morning Mumma
Vm (glared her): After looking at your face in morning makes my morning worse. How can my morning be good? It's sunday. We have to bare you whole day. Our every sunday you spoiled us
Vaish (looking down): I am sorry mumma. I will complete the work then go out of house. I promise I won't come back soon
Vm (pulling her hairs in fist): I will go out then who the hell do the work? My maa papa?
Vaish (hissed in pain): I will complete everything soon. I promise. I will not leave work pending
Vm (leave her hair): Do regular work 1st then clean vikas's room, set his almirah and everything properly then make lunch and get out of the house
Vaish (tears escape from her eyes): Yes mom. I will complete everything soon

She quickly wiped off her tear not showing that she is weak

Vm left. Vaish quickly went in washroom and brushed her teeth

Vaish's pov: After completing house works I will go to library. Kiyu and Roh are out of station today. So I will complete my studies

She went downstairs started doing her work

At orphanage. As it's sunday all the children were excited. They are at orphanage only for whole day. Playing with friends. Doing study. Trying new things they love sunday but not to forgot they have to clean their rooms, living area, everything today

Early morning they all woke up and got ready. Younger kids went to play in living area whereas elder kids started working like making breakfast, cleaning, taking care of younger kids, etc they divided the work

As abhi isn't well he is allotted to handle kids. He just have to sit at a place and keep an eye on them. Abhi sat at place and was doing his work as well as keeping eye on kids. Group of bully boys (who used to bully abhi) came to him

Boy1 (mimicking khushi): Abhi papa

Abhi ignored them

Boy2: Mr Abhishek who will marry you after knowing you have daughter who is 3yrs old now

Before abhi could reply wardener came

Wardener (angry look to boys): Will you stop bullying him? Don't forgot he suffered alot to protect you and whole orphanage when you carelessly obeying. Khushi is calling him papa and he is Okay with it. What's your problem with all this? Can't you mind your own business? You have work nah to clean the garden go and do it. I am warning you last time if again this happened I will punish you
Boy1: Sorry ma'am

Boys left. Wardener sat with abhi

Abhi (smiled): Thank you so much Ma'am
Wardener (ruffling his hairs): No need of Thanks. I did what was needed the most. I saw the pain you had. I am proud of you that you didn't obeyed him. You was scared of punishment but then too you being strong to face him
Abhi (smiled): Ma'am I got job. Company is giving me rent house as well. On my birthday I will get keys. So me and Sid will shift from here
Wardener: Alright. Which company it is?
Abhi: Fashion for 18
Wardener: Fine it's a legal company. I will make papers ready for your and sid's leave. And yeah in evening we all will go to nearby park as since 2months kids are at orphanage only. So instruct the rules to all

A girl of around 15 with a girl of around 7 came to abhi. Both were scared of abhi but as wardener was there so they came to him

Elder girl: Abhi bhaiya if you are free please help pahal in homework. I have to help in room cleaning
Abhi (nodded): Come pahal sit here (patting seat beside him)

Pahal looked at elder girl. Girl nodded. Pahal sat beside abhi

Wardener: Pahal beta don't worry abhi will not scold you, okay?

Pahal nodded and relaxed a bit. Wardener and elder girl left

Abhi (took Pahal's book): What's your homework?
Pahal (showing something in book): This

Abhi nodded and started helping her. Khushi who was playing with kids saw abhi and pahal. She got jealous and angry as well. She came running to them

To be continue...

What will khushi do?

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