Chapter 57

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A girl too came. She was with Naitik and Akshara

(A/N: She isn't kajal. So don't assume)

Naitik (shout): I want answer!
Vm (scared): Sir he was forcing my daughter. So we are here to pick my daughter
Akshara (rudely): Mind your words! Forcing? We saw how badly he (pointing at vikas) was holding her throat (pointing at khushi)
Vd (joining hands): No Ma'am. We aren't lying
Vikas: Sir we are leaving. Let's go Bi- (realizing the word) Behna
Abhi (sternly): She isn't going anywhere
Vaish: Abhi-
Abhi (cuts her, gritting his teeth): I said so I said. You aren't going in that hell
Avni (confused): Wait! Vikas how you got to know di is here?
Sid (gritting his teeth): Don't you dare to lie
Vm (wiping fake tears): She didn't came home at night. So we track her location and found her here
Abhi: How? I want you to answer this vaishu (pointing at Vikas, Vm and Vd) Don't you dare to utter a word and vaishu I want truth

Abhi was damn angry. Vaish sensed it. Vaish was scared, nervous, embarrassed. Avni held her hand squeezing it assuring her

Vaish (looking down): As I am not allowed to go orphanage. So they connected GPS tracker in my locket

Abhi and sidneet was giving death glares to Vikas, Vd and Vm

(A/N: I guess now you got to know why vaish was saying no to stay there)

Naitik (to girl): Deeps call to IPS right now and ask the guards to throw these three behind the bars (pointing at Vikas, Vm and Vd)
Vm (scared): Sir no... please forgive us
Akshara: Deeps sir ordered you something I guess
Deeps: Yes Ma'am give me a minute

She went out and came back with few bodyguards. Bodyguards took Vm, Vd and Vikas out of there. Deeps called IPS. She handed phone to Naitik. He went to attend the call

Abhi (took khushi from sid): Ask them to leave from here and say thanks for helping

Khushi was sleeping by now on sid's shoulder

Akshara: Abhi

He didn't replied and was about to go. Vaish held his arm and stop him

Vaish: Abhi listen to them for once
Abhi: Vaishu-
Avni (cuts him): Bhai once only. If you want don't trust on them just listen to them once

Naitik came. He stood with Akshara

Abhi (coldly): I don't want to
Vaish (scared, standing in front of abhi): Abhi if for some mistake of yours khushi will run away like this. How you will feel?

Vaish was damn scared of his reaction on her words. She knew his mood but her words soften his stern behavior. Tears roll down his cheeks

Akshara (sobbing): Just give us one chance bacha
Vaish (taking khushi): Just one chance. For us abhi

Abhi nodded

Vaish: Sir, Ma'am get fresh then you can talk

Akshara nodded. Abhi went to get fresh. Vaish went and laid khushi on bed and cover with duvet. She wiped khushi's tears and kiss on her forehead then she went in kitchen. Avni was already there. Both started making breakfast for all

With Sid. After everyone left. Akshara held his hand

Akshara (sobbing): You trust me Sid?

Sid didn't said anything. He hug her tight and started sobbing which he was controlling from long

Sid (cracky voice): I miss you so much mom
Akshara (caressing his back, she too has tears in eyes): I miss you too so much bacha

Naitik joined them in hug. He was controlling his tears. Vaishneet saw them from kitchen

Avni (teary eyes): Di
Vaish (hug her): Finally they both will get back his family
Avni: Hmm...
Vaish (apart the hug, wipe avni's tears): Listen bacha
Avni: Yes di?
Vaish (cups her face): You have to forget Sid and move on
Avni (confused): Why di?
Vaish: Avu see baby they are from most famous family and the most rich family in world 'NIGAM' Today they will get his family back then they will go with them. What we are in front of them? Nothing baby. Why Sir and Ma'am will choose us for their sons?

Avni nodded feeling pangs in heart

Avni (tears roll down her cheeks): You will not leave me, right?
Vaish: I promise I won't. We will live here. I will talk with boss. If they didn't allow abhi to take khushi with them then You, Me and Khushi will live here

Avni nodded and hug vaish

Vaish's pov: I am sorry jaan for snatching your love but they both need mom dad more than us. We too know how important mom dad are in our life. I am sorry but I promise I will not leave you at any cost

She kiss her hairs

Vaish (hiding her tears): Let's make breakfast

Avni apart the hug. Vaish quickly wiped her tears. Both continued with work. In living area. Abhi came and saw Sid with Akshara and Naitik

Abhi's pov: Was I punishing Sid?

He came back to sense as he heard

Akshara (opening her arm): Come bacha
Abhi (ignoring): Sid go and get fresh. Khushi is sleeping?
Sid (nodded): Yeah

Abhi nodded. Sid went. Abhi directly went in kitchen. Avni saw him

Avni: Bhai you should sit with them. I am not gonna sit alone when Sid will come then I will go
Vaish (smack her forehead): At least ask them to have seat

Abhi roll his eyes. Vaish shook her head

Avni: I will ask

She went out with glass of water and ask them to sit

With Abhinavi

Vaish (held his hands): Abhi please listen to them once
Abhi: Hmm

Abhi held vaish through waist and pull her close

Abhi (kissing her cheek): Remember what happened last night?

Vaish was blushing like hell remembering kiss

Vaish (blushing): Your parents are here. What they will think? Leave me
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Common dialogue of every girl

He left her. Just then Sid came

Sid: Bhai let's go

Abhi nodded. Both went out. Avni came back in kitchen

Akshara and Naitik got fresh then they all sat on sofa. Vaish was done with breakfast. So they went in room and was getting ready

In living area.

Naitik: Abhi, Sid I don't want give any explanation for my previous faults but just want to apologize
Akshara: We were really stressed as first loss in AN fashion house then mom's death then huge loss in KN fashion feet. Kajal too died at same time and again SN clothing was facing loss. Someone told me after this Sid's life is in danger. Bacha we just wanted to protect you that's why we believed on superstition and was strict with you
Naitik: I swear on mom Sid, Abhi never we wanted to snatch your happiness
Akshara: Please forgive us
Abhi (coldly): Never you came in search of us? Suddenly out of nowhere why you came now?
Akshara: We searched for you in whole world. We just didn't brought up topic in media as it can be harmful for you both. Each and every place we searched for you babies. Since the time we are searching
Naitik (joining his hands): Please forgive us
Sid (holding Naitik's hand): Dad

He went and hug his parents tight. Naitik forwarded his hand to abhi

Akshara (to abhi): Please bacha
Sid: Bhai come nah

Abhi too went and hug them. Till now they were crying but now there were happy tears in eyes

To be continue......

1250 words

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