Chapter 25

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Both started working on designs without caring for anything

After few hours. It was almost evening. The time when everyone was winding up their work

Vaish: Abhishek I completed 2 designs. What about you?
Abhi (rude tone): Throw your designs in bin. I will complete all 5 by myself
Vaish (irritated): Are you out of your mind? It's project for both us

Abhi ignored. Vaish tried to take the designs but abhi moved back. Vaish moved little to take designs but her leg slipped and she fell on him. Abhi was insecure. He jerked her. Vaish stood up

Vaish (low voice): I am sorry

Abhi didn't heard. He was taking deep breath to calm himself. When he was calm

Abhi (shout): Will you stop being clingy? Can't you see I don't like such things? Don't you dare to come near me third class girl. See Ms Billionaire I am not that type of boy. I don't like girls like you. So better stay away from me

Everyone was looking at abhinavi. Abhi's words stabbed in her heart

Vaish (frustrated): Mr keep few things in mind. I slipped by mistake. I am also not that type of girl. So mind your language. I am daughter of billionaire or beggar it's doesn't matters to you. Lastly it's a partnership work not individual. So I politely asked you but you were the one who wasn't listening
Abhi (gritting his teeth): I will not listen to you and you are no one to say me this. And I fucking hate you. You are problem creator so I hate you

Listening the shouts. Manager uff Mr Malhotra came out of cabin

Mr Malhotra: Abhishek, Vaishnavi stop shouting. You are in office not in home. You just got saved for firing. Again you are fighting
Vaish: Sorry Sir
Mr. Malhotra: How many designs you have done?
Abhi: 3
Vaish: 2
Mr. Malhotra: Give me. I will give to boss now only. You both leave now. Further discussion will be tomorrow only

Both handed designs to him and left. Both had hate for each other in mind. They don't want look each other ever

With Vaish. She walking towards her home. Her stomach groan cause of hunger

Vaish (irritated): Huh!! From morning I had nothing. I am damn hungry now. But I couldn't eat anything before completing work. Mom won't allow me. I have to do work quickly then as today I am free so I will do my studies today

With these thoughts she reached home and started doing work without wasting a minute

With Abhi. He thought to buy something from his incentives for Sidneet and khushi. He bought a cup of shinchan for khushi. He  was feeling damn hungry. So he directly went home. Didn't bought anything for sidneet. He reached home fully hungry. He knocked the door. Sid opened it. Khushi was standing beside Sid. She saw abhi

Khushi (excited): Abhi papa
Abhi (smiled): Hello my princess
Sid (dragging abhi towards dining table): Let's eat something. For project you skipped your breakfast and must be lunch as well

Abhi sat on chair and placed the bag beside

Abhi (saw dinner was ready): I was damn hungry

Khushi took abhi's bag. So that she can sit beside him. Cup fell down from the bag. Khushi saw shinchan on cup and grinned widely

Khushi (taking cup): Abhi papa shinchan pyala pyala (pyaara)Abhi (chuckled): Yes

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Khushi (taking cup): Abhi papa shinchan pyala pyala (pyaara)
Abhi (chuckled): Yes. For you

Sid make her sit on chair and sat beside. Abhi was eating food and Sid was eating as well as feeding khushi

Sid: So how was your project bhai?

Abhi narrates him about boss rude behave and clients liking designs but didn't shared about vaish and his fight

Abhi: So I was thinking to buy something for you and avni from incentives. What you want? Amount is 10k
Sid (nervous): Bhai can we buy mobile for you
Abhi: Alright

After dinner they got fresh and laid on bed having chit chat. Khushi was hugging her shinchan cup

Soon they slept

With vaish. She completed her work then ate dinner with full hunger

After dinner. She took her books but her head was paining alot cause of stressful day. She kept her books aside and slept taking painkiller and setting next day's alarm

To be continue....

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