Chapter 50

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KyaRoh, Vaish reached restuarant. They were waiting for Abhi

Kiyu: I am telling you if he isn't good you have to leave him vaishu
Vaish (nodded): Nothing is more important for me than you both. So your decision will be my final decision. Guys 1 thing I need to tell you
Roh: Say?
Vaish: I haven't told him about my life, parents. So please be careful about it

KyaRoh nodded. Few minutes they were having chit chat and ordered meal for all than abhi came with khushi. She was holding abhi's finger in her small chubby hand. Khushi saw vaish. She ran to her

Khushi (hugging Vaish's waist): Vaishu didi
Vaish (baby voice): Khushi baby

Abhi came. KyaRoh, vaish stood up to greet him. Abhi stood beside vaish. She side hug him which he gladly returned. Kiyu smirk looking at vaish. Abhinavi broke the hug

Roh (Forwarding his hand): Rohit here. Vaishu's Best friend
Abhi (accepting his hand): Abhishek here
Vaish (pointing at kiyu): She is Kyaaraa
Kiyu (smiled): Hi Abhishek
Abhi (smiled back): Hello

They 4 sat

Khushi (tugging Vaish's top, pout): Me?

Vaish took her in arms and make her sit on table in front of her

Khushi (excited): I am Khushi
Roh (kissing khushi's small hand): Hello cutie

Khushi was grinning. Abhinavi chuckled. Order arrived. They started eating. Vaish was feeding khushi as well

Kiyu (pinching on roh's stomach): Will you stop flirting with her?
Khushi (glaring kiyu): You chup
Kiyu (rolling her eyes): Lol! (Pointing at roh) He is flirting with her in front of me and (pointing at khushi) she is saying me to be quite
Vaish (laughing): You are seriously jealous of a 3yr old girl kiyu?
Kiyu (duh tone): I am not jealous. I am mad at Roh. How can he flirt with a 3yr old girl?
Khushi (pout): Bad girl
Roh (smirk): She is bad girl (pointing at kiyu)

Kiyu glare roh

Khushi (glaring kiyu): You chup (to abhi): Abhi papa she is bad girl

KyaRoh frowned as they heard abhi papa

Roh (shocked): She is your daughter?
Abhi (nervous): Umm.... Yeah!
Kiyu (shocked): Vaishu you knew it?
Vaish: Yes. I don't even have any problem to be her mom
KyaRoh (shocked): Are you serious?
Vaish (calmly): Calm down guys and Yes I am sure about it

Abhi smiled at Vaish's words. Vaish gave him heartwarming smile

Roh (serious tone): Be serious now we need to ask few questions
Abhi: Alright

KyaRoh started abhi's interview. With Khushnavi

Khushi (pout): Iceceam
Vaish: After lunch we will have icecream

Khushi nodded

Vaish: You want mumma, baby?
Khushi (excited): Yes
Vaish (chuckled, kissing khushi's cheek): My happiness
Khushi (pout): Arey! Abhi papa says me
Vaish (pulling her cheeks): Oh yes! You are our happiness nah

Abhi was staring at them with wide smile of his face

Vaish (feeding her): Okay! So I am your vaishu mumma?

Vaish has different hope of happiness in her eyes. Khushi's eyes was sparkling with happiness. Abhi don't have words to explain his happiness

Khushi (smiling widely): Abhi papa, Vaishu mumma, khushi princess?
Abhi (ruffling khushi's hair): Yes

Khushi was really very happy. She clap her hands. Vaish giggle kissing her cheek

Roh (snapping fingers in front of abhi): Oh hello! You can plan later on. Now reply us

Abhi nodded. They continued asking abhi. Khushnavi was enjoying this new bond of love and affection. After some interrogation

Roh (sternly): Vaishu are you sure about your decision?
Vaish (smiled): Yes! Guys I learn one thing from abhi. Orphan child don't have any relation but a strong love and care can make unbreakable relations for them

KyaRoh nodded

Kiyu: Abhi is approved for you but abhi don't you dare to hurt her
Khushi (shout a bit): You chup. Don't say my abhi papa
Kiyu (shooking her head): Jaan I want chocolate
Khushi (glaring): Iceceam
Roh: Okay then let's order icecreams
Kiyu (snapped at roh): I said chocolates
Roh (took khushi in arms): Regular you ask for chocolates. Today my niece want icecream. So icecream

Khushi poke tongue at kiyu. Kiyu roll her eyes

Abhi (confused): Niece? How?
Roh: Vaishu is like my sister and this cutie (pulling khushi's cheek) is daughter of my sister. So.....

Abhi nodded

Roh: Khushi I am your mamu
Kiyu (excited): Me Masi
Roh (shook his head): Mami
Kiyu (punching on roh's stomach): Masi
Roh (rubbing his stomach): Jeez woman!

Abhinavi, khushi chuckled.

They ordered icecream and had some chit chat while having icecream

Roh: We should leave now. Let's go vaishu we will drop you
Abhi: Umm.... Vaishu is coming with me for sometime

KyaRoh bid bye and left. Abhinavi and khushi went to beach. To spend sometime

Khushi (looking at water): Mumm abhi papa
Abhi: Yes
Khushi: Arey! Close tap abhi papa
Vaish (patting her cheek): This is not tap water. Fish lives here baby
Khushi (pout): I want to see pish (fish)
Abhi (took her in arms): Next time we will go to see fish

Khushi lean resting her head on abhi's shoulder. She was silently looking at sea and enjoying the cold breeze

Abhi open his other arm. Vaish quickly hug him.

Abhi (kissing Vaish's head): Are you sure about khushi
Vaish: Cent percent

Abhi nodded with smile

Vaish's pov: I know how a child always crave for mother's love. I will try my best to give that love to khushi. I miss you jaan so much

They three stood there silently for sometime then they played with water and went back home

To be continue...

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