Chapter 34

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Abhinavi reached at abhi's home. Both went inside

Vaish: When sid and khushi will come?
Abhi: By 7.30-8
Vaish: Alright
Abhi: You get fresh then start your designs. I will make lunch for us
Vaish: I will help you with lunch then we both will make designs
Abhi: No vaishu. I don't want to apply for this job
Vaishu: Arey but abhi this is really big opportunity
Abhi (shout): I said no. So that's no. It can be big opportunity for you but not for me mind it

Vaish flinched. Abhi went in kitchen, tears roll down on his cheek. He starts breathing heavily. Vaish was shocked

With Abhi. He wiped his tears

Abhi (frustrated): Why can't she understand I don't want to apply. Everyone don't have same life. Why she is forcing me. I don't want this job. So I don't

Just then he realised he left vaish alone at corridor. He quickly ran to her and saw her standing shocked

Abhi (held her hand): I am sorry vaish. I shouldn't shout on you. I am sorry
Vaish (took her hand back): I am sorry to interfere in your life. I shouldn't have done
Abhi (looking down): I am sorry

Vaish nodded

Abhi: You get fresh

Vaish went to get fresh. Abhi went in kitchen and took juice for vaish. Vaish got fresh and came in kitchen

Vaish: I will help you with lunch
Abhi: Umm... take juice (he handed juice) have it than go in room and start working. I will make lunch. Don't worry

Vaish didn't argued. She had juice then abhi guide her till room. Abhi went in kitchen and started cooking lunch

Abhi's pov: I can't hurt her for fault of others. She thinks AN fashion house is the best because she sees how successful they are but she don't know the real side. I don't want to break her dream. I know she is talented and definitely she will get job in AN fashion house. After that she will leave me

Unknowingly his heart felt pang and he has tears in eyes

With vaish. As abhi left. She looked around and saw the room. She saw khushi's shinchan teddy on bed. Vaish chuckled taking teddy in hand. As she took teddy. She found a diary there

Vaish took the diary and open the lock

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Vaish took the diary and open the lock

Vaish's pov: It's someone's personal diary I shouldn't open it but my heart isn't listening

After alot of thinking. She opened the diary. As she opened the first page

We Grew Up

From fighting with each other to fighting for each other, we grew up.

From snatching each other's food to saying you can take mine also, we grew up.

From saying, You are the worst person in the world to praying for each other's success, we grew up.

From laughing at each other on mom's scoldings to saving each other from world, we grew up.

From making fun of each other's mistakes to correcting each other's mistakes, we grew up.

From being jealous of each other's success to celebrating each other's success, we grew up.

From thinking each other as biggest curse in life to thinking each other as biggest blessing, we grew up.

From feeling ashamed to share any thoughts with each other to sharing each and every secret with each, we grew up.

From beating each other to being each other's body guard, we grew up.

From hurting each other to putting a hand on each other's shoulder in every problem and saying "I am here for you", we grew up.

From putting blame of one's mistake on other to happily taking the blame of other's mistake, we grew up.

From ending up telling smallest thing about each other to parents to hiding each other's biggest secrets, we grew up.

For Sid

Vaish: This is for Sid means it is written by abhi. Wow! He writes poetry. It's like poem is for siblings

She was amazed with the poem. Some tears leak from her eyes

Vaish: Everyone don't have same life. I miss my old days

She wiped her tears and smiled

Vaish: It's not personal diary. It's poetry and I should read next one

She turned the page

To be continue....

Poem 'We Grew Up' was written by priyaxsidneet

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