Chapter 51

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With Khushek. They reached home. Abhi opened the door with keys. Khushi ran inside to sid in room. She saw sidneet close to each other. Sid was leaning toward avni

Khushi (excited): Chachu

Sidneet quickly jerked each other. Avni ran to kitchen

Sid (hiding his blush): You came back?
Khushi (curios): What you and chichi was doing?

Just then abhi came in room

Abhi (smirk): Sid you should understand khushi is too young for all this
Sid (hiding his blush): Arey! But we didn't did anything
Abhi (smirk): Then why avni ran inside hiding her blush? Why you are trying to hide the blush?
Sid (changing topic): You say what happened? What bhabhi's friends said?
Khushi (shout): Vaishu didi said she is my mumma. Abhi papa, Vaishu mumma and Khushi baby

Sid sat on his knees in front of khushi to meet her height

Sid (cups her face): Oh! Khushi got her whole family
Khushi (excited): Yes! Yes! Yes! Mumma, papa, chachu, chichi

Sid chuckled and hug her. She was squealing cause of happiness. Abhi smiled and ruffled sid's hair. He went inside to avni

Avni saw him and hug him tight

Avni: Congrats bhai
Abhi (kiss her forehead): Thank you

After a minute. Abhi broke the hug

Abhi: Let's go. I have to drop you before time and also I need to sign papers and collect it

Avni nodded. They went out. After sometime they had chit chat then abhineet left for orphanage

With Sidshi. Khushi was so happy. She was jumping and dancing in whole house

Sid (chuckled): Khushi baby now sit or your legs will hurt
Khushi (ran to sid): Chachu, I will tell my fends (friends) I have abhi papa and vaishu mumma
Sid (took her arms): Alright!

He took her in kitchen and make her sit on slab. Khushi was talking with him and he was listening it as well as preparing milk for khushi

Khushi (pout): Chachu come here. Come come
Sid (went and stood in front of khushi): What happened?
Khushi (wrapped her small arms around sid's torso): I love you chachu
Sid (riffling her hairs): I love you too my little princess

Khushi giggle. She has an unknown happiness. Living with only father. She never experienced mother's love. Calling someone mom, mumma always gives different happiness to child which khushi have now

With Abhineet. They reached at orphanage talking with each other

At orphanage both went inside. Wardener was in her cabin only when abhineet reached at cabin

Abhi (knocking the door): May I come in Ma'am?
Wardener (smiled): Abhishek. Come in

Abhineet went inside

Wardener: As usual before time you dropped her back
Abhi (smiled): It's my responsibility. So I have to complete it. Thanks for always understanding and supporting us
Wardener: No need of Thanks for it. Your bravery, innocence, strength is what makes me trust on you and the best thing is. You always trying to keep it same

Abhi smiled

Wardener: Avneet you wait outside

Avni nodded and left

Wardener (taking the papers): Here is khushi's final adoption papers. Sign it and Yeah khushi will be your daughter but once read it properly before signing

Abhi nodded and took the papers. He was reading it carefully. After reading he signed them and returned the papers

Wardener handed him Xerox of adoption papers and original birth certificate of khushi. She kept original papers of adoption as proof adoption

(A/N: This is actual way of adoption with legal paper work. I mean about papers only not procedure)

Abhi (smiled widely): Thank you Ma'am
Wardener: All the best boy

Abhi nodded and came out of cabin. He saw avni was standing there

Avni (excited): Done?

Abhi nodded

Avni (hug him): Congratulations
Abhi: Thank you

She apart the hug and took the papers from abhi's hand. She saw her birth certificate and her eyes was filled with tears

Avni (showing abhi): Bhai

Abhi saw birth certificate and his eyes was also filled with tears

Abhi (smile with tears): She is my actual kaju. She is sid's twin. Both have birthday after 8 days
Avni (smiled): Finally Sid will celebrate his birthday after 4 freaking years
Abhi (wiped avni's tears): He have to not for other but for khushi. He have to

Avni nodded and hug abhi

Abhi (hug her back): Khushi lost her twin brother and mother on her birth. She grew up with her father all these years. His father got killed by some mafias. Her neighbors dropped her at orphanage
Avni (chuckled): Khushi found her twin brother and Sid found her twin sister
Abhi (chuckled): Yeah! Both are like that only whole day they will fight with each other but can't live without each other
Avni (aparting the hug): Typical siblings
Abhi: We will celebrate this year birthday of this lost siblings
Avni: Yes
Abhi: Alright. You go to your room and take care. Will meet you in college
Avni: Bye

Abhi went home but didn't shared anything with Sid

Abhi's pov: Next week directly me and avni will talk directly and make him celebrate

Sid, khushi and abhi was damn happy. They spent the day enjoying with each other

With vaish. She went home back and started doing her works like usual. She was very happy. Without any interpretation she did her whole work then after completing the work. She took her dinner and went to her room

While having dinner. Her phone rang. It was kiyu's call. Vaish received it

Vaish (happily): Hey!
Kiyu: Hii!! Roh is also on conference
Vaish: Alright
Roh: So madame sounds so happy today
Kiyu: Are you sure about your decision for being khushi's mother?
Vaish: Yes. Kiyu I know how a child always crave for mother's love. I am one of such child. So if I can be mother for her and give her happiness. Isn't it good?
Roh: Salute to you! How can you live with such family yaar
Kiyu: Anyways don't spoil her night Roh. Vaishu you take rest we will meet you in college
Vaish: Bye
KyaRoh: Bye

They hangs up the call. Soon everyone slept

To be continue.....

I think now everyone got to know why wardener trust abhi

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