Chapter 8

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Abhinavi went in their colleges for interview and both got selected for firm Fashion for 18.

(Author: I am not writing interview part as it's gonna be boring and will take whole chapter)

With vaishu. As she passed her interview. She was so happy. She came out of college in excitement and call Kiyu

With KyaRoh. They were on date and was sucking each other's face when Vaish call kiyu

Vaish (smirk): Love birds stop this PDA and listen-
Roh (cuts her): We aren't in public girl. So this isn't PDA
Kiyu (glared roh): Idiot she was saying like this only but now you clear her

Vaish starts laughing loud. Kiyu hit rohit's arm

Kiyu (shout): Will you stop laughing? Why you call me?
Vaish (giggling): Sorry to disturb you but not stop all this I have great news-
Roh (cuts her): Girl! Girl!! I knew it you are gonna rock it. Do you will get this job. Now come over the cafe near college. We will there in few minutes
Kiyu (rolling her eyes): Huh! Huh!! Everything was preplanned
Vaish (chuckled): Jello babygirl
Roh: For our rockstar you know. Bye vaishu. Will catch you in few minutes

They hang up call. KyaRoh, Vaish went to cafe

Meanwhile with Abhi. As he was also happy cause of selection. He went out college. Few of his mates came to him

Boy1: Hi loser
Abhi: See bro I am not in mood of fighting. So let me go
Boy2: Abhi today your brother and girlfriend aren't with you
Abhi (controlling his anger): Mind your words. She is my sister
Boy1 (laughing): Oh yeah! Sister in day and at night

Before boy could complete sentence. Abhi punched on his face, breaking his nose

Abhi (with full anger): I said to be in limits. Don't you dare to mess with me

Just then principal came and saw abhi was talking rudely with boys and boys nose was bleeding

Princi (shout): What is this Abhishek?
Boy2 (fake scared): Sir Abhishek came and burst his anger by punching his face
Abhi (shocked): Sir let me-
Princi (shout): I never expected this from you Abhishek. I heard you got job today from campus but your behave shows you don't deserve this. Students like you are meant to Rowdy and Mafia. They don't deserve a respectable life. This is my last warning for you. If I ever again saw you doing any cheap thing. I will suspend you. Your studies, carrier and future will end on that moment only. Keep this in mind. Boys any punishment you want to give him?
Boy1 (who had punch): No sir. No
Boy2: Sir I want to. I can't let see him without punishment. Abhishek you have to do 200 sit ups saying sorry
Abhi (glaring boy2): Are you out of your mind
Princi: You have to Abhishek. Cause of you his friend is suffering. You have to

Whole crowd gathered around them and was enjoying this free entertainment

Princi (shout): Do it now for forget your job an studies you creep

Abhi don't have any other option. He start doing sit ups and was continously saying sorry. He don't knew what was his fault but for his studies and job he have to do. He can't loose this job

He took whole 1hr and 20mins to complete 200 situps. Badly he was controlling his tears. His legs was paining badly. When his situps was done. He wasn't able to stand properly. He wanted to cry but stayed strong. Crowd was laughing on him badly. A 17yr old boy is doing situps in front of whole college. This makes him embarrasse alot. Not only physically but this incident was giving him main mentally as well

Princi: If you want to complete your studies and do job then be in limits. I ain't gonna avoid this behave again

Abhi nodded and somehow went from there. He didn't went back to orphanage. He sat on side of road. Tears roll down on his cheeks. He held his face in palms. He was crying badly but silently

Abhi's pov: When I was weak. I was being bullied in orphanage. For my weakness they insulted me. Now when I became strong. I tried to fight for myself now too I got insulted in front of whole college. Both the times I wasn't at fault anywhere

He sat there for sometime then got up courage with smiling like he didn't even suffered from anything. He stood up and went for his work

After working at cafeteria for whole day. He went to orphanage at night

To be continue......

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