Chapter 20

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After few days. These few days abhinavi are fully engrossed in project, studies and house chores. Work load on vaish is too much. She is skipping her sleep and no proper meal for the project. Whereas Abhi isn't spending time with khushi or Sid. At home he is busy with his project and work. Abhi has helping hand Sid but vaish have to do it by own. As abhi is busy Nowadays. So sid and khushi's bond is improving

In 15days both have to come up with 250 designs that means in a day they have to work on 16-17 designs that's 8,9 designs by each person a day

It was Saturday Evening. Both were at office exit

Abhi: I completed today. My 7 designs are done for today remaining 2 I will work at home. What about you?
Vaish: Mine 8 are done only 1 is left
Abhi: As per designs our 100 are done till today. Remaining 8 days are there we have to work on 150 more
Vaish: Tomorrow is sunday. We can work at home. As there is no college and office as well. We can work on more designs
Abhi (nodded): Okay then bye
Vaish: Bye

Both started walking on different paths. In these days they are working with each other but not talking much then work. They aren't even considering friend each other but project partners

With abhi. As it's Saturday. Instead of going home like usual he went to pick Avneet and khushi. Today Avneet will come to stay with them. As abhi promised her

He went avneet's tuition to pick them. As avni and khushi came in front on abhi both jumped on him and hug him. Abhi chuckled. He took khushi in arms

Khushi (chirped): Abhi papa (kissing his cheek)
Abhi: Let's go to orphanage. I have to ask wardner for your stay and you have to pack clothes
Avni: Yes bhai. Let's go

They three went to orphanage. At orphanage. As abhi reached kids, preteens came running to him and khushi

Pahal (smiled): Abhi bhai

Abhi make khushi stand on floor. He sat on knees and open his arms. All the kids and preteens jump on him, hugging him. Khushi was glaring kids

Listening all cheered up sounds. Wardener came there and saw kids with abhi, khushi

Wardener: Kids

They all broke the hug

Abhi: I have to talk with Ma'am
Mishti (random girl 7yr old): Abhi bhai till time we will play with khushi
Abhi: Alright

Kids and khushi went to play

Wardener (smiled): So how's everything going on Abhishek?
Abhi: All good Ma'am
Warderner: Any special reason for coming here?
Abhi: Ma'am it's weekend and as I got permission already I want to take Avneet with me for stay
Wardener: Oh yaa! But you have to do some formalities my child. Avneet till the time you go and pack your stuff for a day

Avni happily left. Abhi and wardener went in cabin

Wardener (handing paper and pen to abhi): Abhishek you have write an application about taking Avneet from here for a day. She will be your responsibility. You have write home address, phone no, time of leaving from here and time you will drop her here in detail
Abhi (nervous): Ma'am I don't have contact
Wardener: Mention other things

Abhi nodded and started writing. In mean time Wardener was asking him about his job and other things

After a few minutes. A boy1 (who bullied abhi) came in officer with khushi in his arms. She has tears on cheeks

Abhi saw them. His blood boiled. Without thinking anything. He went to that boy and took khushi from him. Abhi held her throat with hard grip making him choke

Abhi (shout on top of his lungs): How dare you to touch her?
Boy2 (came running): Abhishek leave him

Abhi kicked on his stomach hard. Still holding throat of boy1. Khushi was scared of this. Being kid she want to hide behind parents but she can't. Wardener was shocked. She tried to stop abhi

Blood started oozing from boy1's mouth. Khushi got scared

Khushi (scared wisper): Abhi papa

Abhi heard her scared voice. He closee his eyes leaving boy1. Boy1 fell down half unconscious

Abhi didn't look back just left from there without khushi. Boy2 came to boy1 and wardener too sat beside boy1

To be continue.....

Anything for abhi's behavior?

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