Chapter 10

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After getting fresh abhi laid on bed. Sid sat beside abhi. Khushi and avni came in room with abhi's food and medicine.

Sid (helping abhi to sit on bed): Bhai have dinner and medicine then you can sleep
Abhi (sat lazily on bed): I don't want
Khushi (pout): Eat abhi papa

Avi took bite and kept it in from of his mouth. Abhi roll his eyes and had it. She continued feeding him and sid was messaging his legs. Khushi sat with pout while hugging abhi. Abhi caress her hair

Sid: Avu can you please bring hot water bag after bhai complete dinner?
Avni: Yes sure. Hot water will heal the pain soon
Abhi: But sid you leave it. I will be fine. No need of massage
Sid: Bhai please let me do it. I know how badly your legs are paining
Khushi (stood up): I will do. I will do
Abhi (pull her back): No. I don't need massage. I will use hot water bag later. So you sit here
Khushi (sat like before): Abhi papa I will cold (scold) bad bois (boys)
Sid: Bhai what about your interview?
Abhi (smiled widely): Oh yaa! I am selected for fashion for 18. From Monday I have to join and the biggest thing is we house company's house for living. 17k salary
Sidneet (shout in happiness): Seriously?
Abhi (chuckled): Yes. Actual salary is 25k but house rent will be deducted
Avi (grinning): Bhai tomorrow is sunday then monday you have to join there?
Abhi: Yes. On nect day of my birthday I will get keys of home
Sid (hug abhi): Congratulations bhai
Avni (pushed sid and hug abhi): Congratulations bhai

Avni apart the hug. Khushi stood up and hug abhi

Khushi: Contulation (Congratulations) abhi papa
Abhi (kissing her cheek): Thank you my baby
Avni (folding her arms, pout): This is cheating. You don't love me like khushi
Sid (joining avu): Oh! Yes this is cheating. You are cheating with me
Abhi, Avu (glared at sid): Sidd
Sid (wiping fake tears): No one loves me
Khushi (clapping her hands in excitement): Yess yess. Abhi papa on't (don't) love you chachu

All chuckled then they did group hug. After feeding abhi avu give him medicine

Sid: Tomorrow is sunday. Everyone have holiday. Any plans?
Khushi (tears brimming in her eyes): Papa take me park. Abhi papa where is papa?
Abhi (wiped her tears): Your papa is with god
Khushi (nodding): Papa
Abhi (diverting her mind): Acha tell me you call me abhi papa, Sid chachu-
Khushi (cuts abhi, grumpy face): Bad chachu. He ittitate (irritate) me alot
Sid (raising his eyebrow): Huh! I-
Khushi (cuts him): Chup 🤫
Sid (in one breath): Seesheisn'tevenletmespeakandiirritateher
Abhineet (confused): What?
Sid (rolling her eyes): She isn't even let me speak and I irritate her. Duh!

Abhineet start laughing on Sid

Abhi (controlling his laugh): Oh Okay! Now tell me what about avni? What you call her?
Khushi (confused): Chachu said he is your bother (brother) So call chachu. I don't know
Abhi (smirk): She is my sister
Khushi (nodding): Chichter
Abhi (pinch her nose): Its sister
Khushi: What I call her?
Abhi (smirk): Bee?
Sidneet (shocked, shout): No
Khushi (shout): Yes
Sid (glaring abhi): No I said
Khushi (putting finger on his lips): Chup 🤫
Abhi (smirk): Chachi?
Khushi (pout): No. Bee
Sid (sternly): Khushi
Khushi (glare him): You chup🤫
Sid (glaring abhi): Bhai
Abhi (chuckled): Chachi? Avni chachi is Okay? (Smirk)

She starts blushing

Avni (blushing like hell): Bhai I am sleepy. Good night
Abhi (laughing): Arey! Arey stop

But she didn't listen to him and ran to her room

Abhi (smirking): So sid when you are proposing her?
Sid (blushing): Bhai I am not sure about her feelings. So I don't want hurt her
Abhi (glaring sid): Go to hell then and let us sleep
Sid (jumped out of abhi's bed, rolling his eyes): Duh!! So rude

Khushek slept cuddling. Sid went on his bed and slept. In Avi's room. She slept thinking about sid and blushing

To be continue....

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