Chapter 13

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Abhinavi fell on each other. Khushi stood beside them shocked. She closed her mouth with her soft chubby hands

Vaish (irritated): Mr fat boy get up. I can't bare your weight
Abhi (stood up): Miss weak. I am not fat you are weak

Vaish was waiting for abhi to forward hand on help her in standing but abhi didn't

Abhi (smirk looking at vaish): Someone is waiting for me to forward hand for help but you I don't do such things
Vaish (jumped standing you): I wasn't waiting for your hand. You aren't prince charm that I will wait for you
Abhi (rolling his eyes): I am not prince charming? For your kind information. Girls drool over me
Vaish (raising her voice a bit): That girls must have weak eyesight or blind. As them to concerned doctor. Joker looks better than you
Khushi (glaring vaish): You chup 🤫. No out (shout) on abhi papa. Bad girl. Abhi papa leggo
Abhi (held her hand): Yes

Khushek went from there. Vaish stomped her feet. Abhinavi turned around and looked at each other. Both quickly turned back

They spend some more time in garden. Vaish sat on bench and took out her book. She sat reading there. Abhi with orphan kids left from there after sometime

Vaish sat there till 7. When it was getting dark. She realised the time and went home. By 8 she reached then made dinner and completed the work. She went in room and start studying like usual

At orphanage. They spend the day enjoying after having dinner. All went to their room to get fresh and sleep. In abhi's room. After getting fresh. Sid and Abhi sat on bunk bed waiting for avu and khushi. Sid laid on abhi's lap

Abhi: Sid what I was saying 17k will be more than enough for our expenses. Only grocery and necessary stuff we need to buy. Rest is arranged by office. So you focus on study. Leave the earnings on me

Sid nodded. Abhi kissed his forehead

Abhi: So in morning. Go at your and mine shop as well to inform them about leaving job
Sid: Right

Just then Avu and khushi came in room. Khushi sat on sid's stomach

Avu: So what's going on?
Abhi: I will get keys on birthday. So discussing about leaving

Avu nodded sadly

Khushi (confused): You will leave?
Sid: Yes. Me and Abhi bhai will go from here
Khushi (pout): Me?
Avni: Me and You will stay here
Khushi (with teary eyes): No. Abhi papa I will come with you. You pomised (promised) me to not leave like my papa
Abhi (took her on lap): Baby me and chachu have to go

Khushi starts sobbing. Leaving her abhi papa was scaring her. Somehow abhi, sidneet changed topic and divert her mind. After some chit chat they slept. Avi went in her room. Abhi and Sid too slept. Everyone sensed how sad khushi was!

Next morning. Abhi, Sid and Khushi woke up at same time. Khushi remember abhi will leave her. She ran out of the room. Abhi sighed sadly

Sid (sitting beside abhi): Bhai I wanted to talk with you?
Abhi: Hmm?
Sid: Bhai can we adopt khushi?
Abhi: Sid adoption take charges. I don't think my salary will be enough for adoption and our living
Sid: Bhai I will work. I am thinking to join coffee shop on your replacement. As it has better salary. Your salary will be enough fo 3 of us to live. Bhai whenever khushi is around I always our princess is around
Abhi: Alright. Let's get ready then I will talk with wardener

Sid hugged him and smile. After getting fresh. He went in wardener's office

Abhi: Good Morning Ma'am
Wardener: Good Morning Abhishek. Have seat
Abhi (sitting on chair): Ma'am I wanted to talk with you
Wardener: Yeah?
Abhi (took deep breath): Ma'am can I adopt khushi?
Wardener: Abhi it charges 25k. Will you be able to pay it?
Abhi: Ma'am can I pay in 5months. My salary will be enough for living for 3 of us. Sid's salary we will pay for adoption fees
Wardener: Alright! You can and you have to follow terms and conditions like checking anytime
Abhi (nodding): Yaa Ma'am I know
Wardener: Alright then I will get your papers ready

Abhi went in Avi's room with Sid. They saw khushi was sitting sadly and avu was trying to cheer her mood

Abhi (taking her in arms): My princess is sad

Khushi nodded

Sid: If you will smile then we will take you with us
Khushi (excited): Yesss

Sid and Abhi chuckled

Abhi (side hug avu): Sorry avu I can't adopt you but I promise regular I will meet with you and will arrange something so that you can stay with us

Avu smiled

To be continue.....

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