Chapter 58

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At last Nigam family broke the hug. Sid sat on Akshara's lap, hugging her tight. Naitik pulled abhi in between him and Akshara. Akshara was planting kisses now and then on whole face of Sid and abhi. There was no bound of happiness for them

Inside the room. Vaishneet was talking when khushi woke up. She was little scared. She quickly hug avni

Avni (caressing khushi's hair): Khushi calm down. See they went from here
Khushi (breaking hug): They will not come?
Avni: No. They won't
Vaish: Come I will give you bath and get you ready?
Khushi (nodded): Abhi papa?
Avni: He is in living area and doing important work

Khushi nodded. Vaish took her in bathroom and get her ready

 Vaish took her in bathroom and get her ready

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(Little Munchkin 😍😍)

Avni (pulling khushi's cheek): So cute
Khushi (grinning): Vaishu didi make me ready. Ale! (Smacking her head) She is my mumma, vaishu mumma

Vaishneet chuckled. Khushi jumped from bed and was about to go out of room but stood at door peeping. Looking at Nigam family. She ran back to vaishneet

Khushi (shocked): They are there. They not went
Avni (sitting on her knees): No. Bad uncle, aunty went. The one who are sitting with abhi papa and Sid chachu are not bad
Vaish (sat beside avu): They are mumma, papa of your abhi papa and Sid chachu
Khushi (shocked): Abhi papa and Sid chachu have mumma papa?
Vaish: Yes. Want to go and talk with them?
Khushi (pout): They will not cold (scold) me?
Avni: No. Your papa and chachu is there nah
Vaish: Do one thing when you will go nah (joining hands) do like this and say Namaste
Khushi (joining hands): Namaste
Avni (kissing her cheek): Perfect
Vaish: Go and meet your family

Khushi nodded and ran out of room. She went and stood in front of Nigams

Khushi (joining little, chubby hands): Namaste
Akshara (joining hands): Namaste baby
Khushi (excited): I am Khushi

Abhi took her and make her sit on his lap

Naitik: It's nice name
Khushi (giggle): Yes
Sid: Mom, Dad. She is khushi Nigam
Abhi: Actually I adopted her and she lives with us here
Akshara: You are too young for such responsibility
Sid: Mom we will explain you about all this later but now the important point is she is part of us. We can't live without her
Naitik: Alright
Abhi: Khushi meet her (pointing at Akshara) She is my mom and he is (pointing at Naitik): My dad
Akshara (caressing khushi's cheek): So cute you are

Khushi giggle. She jump from abhi's lap running into kitchen

Naitik: What happened to her?
Sid (rolling his eyes): Let her come and tell me then I will tell you for sure
Akshara (rolling her eyes): Siddd
Sid: What? Dad haven't changed yet

Deeps came

Sid (saw her): Hii Di
Deeps: Hello Sid, Abhi
Abhi: Come have seat

She sat in front of family. They were talking with each other

Meanwhile in kitchen. Khushi went and saw vaishneet was there

Khushi (tugging Vaish's jean): I want cake

Vaishneet saw her. Vaish took her and make her sit on slab. Avni took cake from fridge cutting slice

Vaish: You meet mumma, papa of your abhi papa
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yes
Avni (handing cake to khushi): You are hungry?
Khushi: No.... They are mumma papa of chachu nah. To I will give them cake
Vaish (pulling her cheeks): Oh yes! My girl is so smart
Khushi (grinning): Yeshh!! Not like chachu

Vaishneet chuckled. Vaish make her stand on floor. Avni handed her plate

Vaish: Be careful. Don't run

Khushi went out and stood in front of Nigams

Sid (confused): Cake?
Khushi (excited): Yesh!!! Chachu for your mumma papa
Akshara: Oh yaa! It was sid's birthday nah. Belated Happy birthday bacha

She said kissing on cheek

Naitik (pulling sid in hug): Belated happy birthday my boy

He ruffle his hairs. Sid again sat on his mother's lap. Khushi was glaring them

Khushi (angry pout): It was my birday (birthday)

No one could control the laugh on khushi's antics

Khushi (getting more angry): I will not give you forest cake without lion

She said hiding the plate behind her back

Naitik (controlling his laugh): Arey arey! Sorry sorry (he took her on lap) Happy birthday my princess

Tears brimming in his eyes remembering kajal. Akshara's eyes filled with tears

Akshara: Sid get up and sit here (patting beside her)

Sid did as she said

Akshara (tears roll down her eyes): Come baby

Abhi took plate from her. Khushi went to her. Akshara hug her

Akshara: Happy birthday baby (kissing her forehead) God will bless you with everything
Abhi (wiped his tears): That's the reason we too couldn't stay away from her. We always found kaju in her
Sid (changing topic): Now I can have cake?
Khushi: You chup
Naitik: Yes sid keep quite
Sid: You changed the party this soon dad
Naitik: Oh yes! I won't listen anything against my princess

Khushi excitedly jumped towards Naitik. She sat on his lap. She starts feeding him cake

Akshara: My cake?

Abhi took a piece feeding her

Khushi (complaining): Chachu says me
Naitik: What he says you?
Khushi (pout): I don't know
Sid (rolling his eyes): Kabab me haddi
Khushi (shout a bit): He says me this
Naitik: Sid don't say her anything like this-
Khushi (cuts him, complaining): He says my shinchan is no pyaala pyaala (pyara)
Akshara: Sid shinchan is pyara pyara, Okay?

Khushi was feeding cake to Naitik but she was eating too

Khushi (complaining): He boke (broke) my shinchan cup
Sid (widening his eyes): But you got new one
Khushi: You chup
Naitik (eating cake which khushi was feeding him): Sid keep quiet. Let my princess say everything first
Khushi: I was too see lion
Naitik (rolling his eyes): Okay we will go to see
Khushi: Pish (fish) also
Sid (pointing at khushi): Here is a fish who always do this (pout)
Khushi (widening her eyes): He says me
Naitik: Sid don't irritate her. Be good boy
Khushi (remembering): He ittitate (irritate)

In all this. She forgot to feed cake to Naitik

Naitik (raising his eye): My cake?

Khushi nodded and feed him small. She stuff rest of the cake in her mouth

Khushi (mouth full of cake): Pinish (finish)

Naitik, Akshara, Sid, Deeps burst out laughing

Abhi was sitting silently. Listening all this. It was like fight is going on between mumma's boy and daddy's princess. It was like he got his whole family back. Deeps was enjoying this nok-jhok or you can say she saw Akshara and Naitik this happy after ages. She was happy for this happy reunion

Vaishneet was spending their own time. The time they missed each other

To be continue......

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