Chapter 52

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Some of you are thinking Sid and Khushi are real twin and have many doubts but They aren't really twins. It's just that both born on Same date even different years. Khushi also had twin brother which she lost on her birth only

I hope doubts got cleared

Let's begin...

After 6days. Tomorrow it's sidshi's birthday. At night Sidneet, Khushek was having dinner.

Sid: Today is friday then why you are here avni?
Abhi: You have problem that Avneet is here?
Sid: I didn't mean that. I mean why?
Avni (rolling his eyes): I was missing you
Sid (sarcastic): I can see that
Khushi (glaring sid): Chup chup chup

Sid roll his eyes . Everyone had dinner silently. After dinner as usual all were spending time

Sid's pov: I know they are here for my birthday but they also should understand. I am not interested in birthday celebration and all. I can't celebrate without kaju. I can't enjoy without my twin. How can I celebrate such day?

He came back to senses as he heard shout

Khushi (shout): Chachuuu.......
Sid: Yes baby?
Khushi (softly): Why you are cying (crying)?

Sid realised he was crying thinking about kajal

Abhi (ruffling his hair): Baby bro you Okay?
Sid (wiped his tears): Yaa
Avni (held sid's hands): Everything will be good

Sid nodded with smile

They were having chit chat when clock strike at 12

Abhineet: Happy birthday-
Sid (cuts them): I don't like to celebrate my birthday. I can't you both know that very well than too you always do this. I miss kaju. I can't celebrate it without her. I will not. So don't expect anything from me

(A/N: Kajal0101 how are you feeling after this behave of sid)

Tears roll down on his cheeks. He left from there

Khushi (tears eyes): Why chachu is cying (crying)?
Abhi (wiped khushi's tears): Happy birthday princess
Avni (hug khushi): Happy birthday baby
Khushi (excited): My birday (birthday)?
Abhi (chuckled): Yes. Your birthday and also your chachu's
Khushi (chirping): We will cut cake?
Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Yes. You will celebrate it in school, with your friends then we will also
Khushi (clapping in excitement): Yess
Abhi: Let's wish you chachu?

Khushi nodded jumping on bed. Abhi told her how to wish Sid. She quickly ran to Sid.
He was standing in balcony looking at stars

Khushi (standing beside sid, in her cute baby voice): Happy birday (birthday) jello twin

Sid turned and looked at khushi. He saw her standing with cute pout. Sid sat on his knees

Sid (cracky voice): Thank you baby
Khushi (pout): Wish me
Sid (confused): What?
Khushi (wiped sid's tears): Happy birday (birthday)
Sid (confused): Hmm?
Abhi (coming with avni): Its her birthday as well Sid
Sid (digesting everything): Oh!
Khushi: What is twin chachu?
Sid (smiled a bit): Twin means who born together. Birthday have on same day
Khushi: You are my twin?
Sid (nodded): Happy birthday twin

Khushi hug Sid squealing

Khushi: Chachu, abhi papa will bring cake for us

Sid nodded. Avni sat beside Sid

Avni: Sid let's celebrate this day maybe not for you but for khushi
Abhi: Sid you always miss kaju as she was your twin. She (pointing at khushi) too lost her twin and also her mother on birthday. Just think once how difficult it can be for her when she will get to know. So for her let's celebrate it?

Khushi was looking at them confused without understanding. Sid looked at khushi with smile and nodded

Khushi (happily): Abhi papa bring forest cake
Abhi: Okay! After office I will bring

They did group hug. Abhi kiss the forehead of Sidshi

Meanwhile with vaish. She was in her room. Taking with KyaRoh on call

Vaish: Tomorrow it's khushi and Sid's birthday. Abhi asked me to come tomorrow to his home
Roh: He texted me too and asked me to bring kiyu as well
Vaish: How I will go? I will not get permission
Roh: Just tell your mom. You are coming at my home for my birthday on special request of Suraj Saraf
Kiyu: If she will argue to tell her that AN fashion house's owner is also coming. There are chances you will get job at AN fashion house. So that's why

Vaish's mind clicked at Abhi's past. She hmmed not knowing what to reply

They discuss about it and somehow managed to take leave for tomorrow from Vaish's home

Skips to next day in evening. Sidneet, khushi was at home. When Abhinavi came. Sid opened the door. Khushi stood beside sid and saw cakes in abhi's hand

Vaish (hug sid): Happy birthday baby bro
Sid (kissing her forehead): Thank you
Khushi (pout): It's my birday (birthday) Vaishu didi-- no no mumma mumma.. Vaishu mumma

Just then KyaRoh came. Vaish chuckled and hug her

Vaish: Happy birthday my happiness

Khushi kiss on her cheek

Abhi: Let's get in

Sid nodded. They all entered. Avni saw them

Avni (shocked, shout): Diduu

She ran to vaish and hug her tight

Avni (tears brimming in her eyes): Didu I missed you alot. Where you were? You promised me you will come to meet me but you

Vaish was too shocked to reply only word came out of her mouth

Vaish (hug her back): Jaan

Everyone was shocked. No one knew what's going on

Vaish (aparting the hug): I am sorry bacha. I too want to meet you but never got chance. I-- I tried to come at orphanage but you know I wasn't allowed. I used to come at nearby park in hope that you but you never came there I am sorry

Abhi: What's going on girls? You both know each other?
Avni: Yeah! Bhai remember I told you about my di... My elder sister

Abhi got the biggest shock not only abhi but all

To be continue.....

How many of you noticed avneet's surname in Introduction at very first time?

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