Chapter 46

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After 2days. Its was 11.50 at night. Sid, Khushi and abhi was sitting on bed. They had dinner. Sidshek was discussing something

Khushi (pout): Talk to me
Abhi (making her lay on bed): No more talks. It's time to sleep
Sid (making khushi sit): She isn't sleeping. We have to wish vaishu di oppssss..... sorry bhabhi first then we will sleep
Abhi (roll his eyes): Maybe she will spend time with family. Don't disturb her. In morning you can
Sid: She have time for us. So we will talk with her and wish her then only we will sleep
Khushi (hug sid): Yes! I will talk with vaishu didi on pone then sleep

Abhi laid on bed and took duvet covering himself

Abhi (sternly): Don't sleep with me now then sleep with your chachu only
Sid (smirk): As if you are gonna sleep before wishing bhabhi
Abhi (closing his eyes): Whatever
Khushi (sitting on abhi's stomach): No sleep. We will talk with vaishu didi
Abhi: Okay fine

Abhi sat up on bed. Khushi kiss his cheek

They three spend sometime with each other. It was 12.10 when sid called vaish but she didn't received it

Abhi: She must be sleeping so you too sleeping
Sid (rolling his eyes): Bhai it's her 18th birthday. She must be spending time with family. So let's wait for sometime
Khushi (whining): We will talk with vaishu didi

Abhi nodded knowing it's impossible to win

Meanwhile with vaish. It was 11.55. She was in room after completing work and having dinner. She sat for studies. Door bell rang

Vaish's pov: I am not allowed to go out of room. Anyways must be Vikas friends are on door. So mumma, papa or vikas will see

She concentrated on her studies

On the other hand. Vm, Vd and Vikas came in living area as the heard the door bell. Vikas opened the door. Kiyu and roh pushed him aside and barged in

Vm (glaring): What you both are doing here at this time?
Roh: Don't you remember it's your daughter's 18th birthday. You should have invited us but anyways we are here to celebrate it
Kiyu (hitting roh): They must have planned something. I think we are disturbing their family time
Vd: Yes you are correct. So now leave
Roh: Now we are here. So let's join love and Anyways we aren't less than family for vaishu
Vm (sternly): We haven't planned anything nor we are interested. So now leave or I will call police and file case against you too

KyaRoh looked at Vm from top to bottom for a minute then

Roh: Aunty wait let's do one thing I am calling DCP you can directly complain him about us. Why yo trouble Inspector. They are already baring so many things
Kiyu (smirk): Rohu why to trouble DCP yaar just call IPS sir yaar
Roh: Yaa actually that's perfect

He took his phone from pocket and started scrolling act like he is searching for number

Roh (scrolling his phone): Aunty I will call IPS officer just tell him that Rohit saraf son of Suresh Saraf is disturbing me and just ask him to come at saraf mansion in morning for breakfast and further dad will talk with him, okay? (He acted like Forwarding his hand. Vm, Vd and Vikas was hella shocked. They didn't expected this)

Vd (scared): Hang up the call. Hang up the call. You can go and meet Vaishnavi. She is in her room this way (pointing towards room)

Roh quickly pocketed his phone and KyaRoh ran to Vaish's room

They barged in her room giving her shock. It was 12.3 when they barged in her room

KyaRoh (shout): Happy Birthday Vaishu

Vaish was shocked but she was scared more

Vaish (scared): Thank you guys. But you should leave now please
Kiyu (jumping on bed): We are here to celebrate your bbirthday. We aren't going anywhere

Roh looked the door

Roh: Relax vaishu. They allowed us to celebrate your birthday. Ignore them let's cut the cake
Kiyu (pulling vaish in hug): Happy birthday sweetheart
Roh (joining hug): Happy 18 Vaishu
Vaishu (smile widely with tears): Thank you guys
Kiyu (aparting the hug): Let's cut the cake now

Vaish cutted the cake and feed kyuRoh. They too feed her back and even applied it on her face. They three were enjoying when Vaish's phone rang. Kiyu peeped and saw I'd Sid


To be continue.....

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