Chapter 31

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Sidshi (sid khushi) came home. Sid changed her clothes and get her fresh then he himself went to washroom not before playing shinchan on TV and making khushi sit and get busy in TV

Few minutes later. Sid got fresh and came out in towel around waist. Khushi heard the sound of door opening. She jumped from sofa and went to Sid

Khushi (pout): Chachu I am hungy (hungry)
Sid (kissing her forehead): Let's make chocolate shake for you
Khushi (jump): Yes

Sidshi went in kitchen. Sid make her sit on slab but away from fire and start preparing milkshake for all

Khushi (excited): Chacccchhhhhuuuuu
Sid (giggle): Arey! What's this
Khushi (excitedly shout): Teater (teacher) said I am good girl
Sid: That's true. You are good
Khushi (nodded): Chichi teat (teach) me A B C D E.............. X Y Z. I told teater (teacher). Teater (teacher) said I am good girl

They continued talking and Sid making milk shake but suddenly khushi's shinchan cup slipped from sid's hand and cup broke

Khushi (looking at Sid with wide eyes open): Chachuuuuu
Sid (taking pieces of cup): Sorry sorry
Khushi (sadly): Shinchan pyaala pyaala (pyaara pyaara)

Sid (scared): We will ask bhai to buy new, Okay?

Khushi nodded

Sid (sighed in relief): Tomorrow abhi papa will buy
Khushi (glaring): No. Call abhi papa

Sid took deep breath and took serve milkshake for him and khushi. He took her on dinning table. They sat and Sid call abhi

Meanwhile with Abhinavi. They were walking towards abhi's home. They were the society when abhi's phone rang. Abhi checked caller I'd and received the call. Keeping it on speaker. He knows it's time of sidshi fight

Abhi: Hello
Khushi (angrily): Abhi papa, chachu boke (broke) shinchan pyala pyala (pyaara pyaara)
Sid (mumble): Shinchan sardard. From where it is pyaara?
Khushi (heard sid's words, glaring): Chup
Sid (duh tone): Why chup? Shinchan isn't pyaara at all, okay? (Sternly) Now complete your milk fast
Khushi: Bad chachu. I will complain bee
Sid (shocked): Bee? Few minutes ago you said nah chichi. Now bee, seriously?
Khushi (irritated): Yesh!! Bee
Sid (glaring): Huh! Shinchan isn't pyaara at all and chichi, no bee
Khushi (glaring back): Shinchin pyaala pyaala (pyaara) and no chichi, bee. You chup

On the other hand, abhinavi was listening this and abhi smack his forehead 🤦‍♂️ and vaish was laughing loud at sidshi's fight and abhi's reaction

Abhi (rolling his eyes): Sid, Khushi guys calm down
Sidshi (in unison): Bhai it's chichi please say her/ abhi papa shinchan pyala pyala (pyara pyara)
Abhi: Oh yes! Khushi baby it's chichi not bee, sid shinchan is pyaara, cute, handsome. Now you both adjust with this

Sidshi glared at each other

Abhi: Khushi I will bring new cup for you, okay?
Khushi (excited): Yes

Abhi hangs up the call and sighed in relief. He saw vaish was still laughing

Abhi (rolling his eyes): Will you stop laughing?
Vaish (controlling her laugh): Abhi yaar seriously they are so cute. I just love them
Abhi (smiled): Alright. Let's go and buy cup

Abhinavi went to buy cup

With Sidshi. After abhi hang up the call. Sid completed his milkshake

Sid (kissing khushi cheek): Now complete it
Khushi (making grumpy face): Shiii!!!
Sid: Complete it fast. I am coming to wear clothes. Not masti, okay?

Khushi nodded and kiss Sid on cheek. Sid went in room and wore his lower

He came out and saw khushi completed her milkshake. Sid took the cups in kitchen and came back taking khushi to wash her hands and face. He make her sit on dinning table only

Sid: Now sit here quietly. I have to take broken cup or it can hurt

Khushi nodded. She sat on table and getting bored. After cleaning kitchen. He continued cooking after it. Khushi took bottle of cold drink from kitchen and poured it in a glass. Sid was so engrossed in work. He didn't realised

Khushi was pouring cold drink from one glass to other playing with it. Few minutes later. Abhinavi came and rang the bell

Sid heard the bell and saw khushi playing. He went to open the door

As he opened the door. He saw abhinavi and just then he realised he isn't wearing shirt. He quickly ran inside. Abhi chuckled

Abhi: Come vaishu

Vaish nodded. They went inside at kitchen door. Abhinavi stood as they saw khushi playing with cold drink

(i added a video of khushi here check out on instagram __.fanfics__ chapter 31)

Abhi: Khushi

Khushi saw abhi and giggle He took her in arms kissing her cheek

To be continue.....

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