Chapter 28

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Next day. It was same for both like usual. Both went to college

After college. Vaish was going to office

Vaish's pov: I have to say thanks to Abhishek today anyhow. Yesterday he did alot for me. If he wasn't there I would have faced embarrassment in front of whole office. May be he is a rude person but in reality he is kind and understanding. I have to say him Thanks

With these thoughts she reached to office. She went inside greetings her colleagues. She went on her seat and saw abhi was on his seat. He was doing his work

Vaish sat on her seat. Abhi saw her. Vaish smiled

Abhi (smiled): Hey! Why you came to office today? You should have take rest at home
Vaish (mumble): Office is 1000 times better than home
Abhi (didn't heard her words): What?
Vaish (fake smiled): I would have bored at home
Abhi: Alright! If you want anything let me know

Vaish smiled genuinely and nodded

Vaish: Thank you so much Abhishek for helping me yesterday. If you wouldn't have done my help. May be now I would have facing embarrassment and bullying. So thanks alot for yesterday helping me
Abhi: My pleasure Vaishnavi. But I don't need Thanks. I did whatever was my responsibility

Vaish smiled and nodded. Both continued working and engrossed themselves fully

Like this they spent half day. Abhi fully focused on work but vaish sometimes staring at abhi

It was tea break. All the staff went to canteen. Abhi was completing work vaish went to canteen

At counter

Vaish: 1 coffee please

Just then abhi came

Abhi: Cancel the order of coffee. Give 2 orange juice please
Vaish: But-

Abhi held her hand and stop her. Vaish shivered under his touch. Unknowingly blush cript on her cheeks looking in his eyes

Counter person: Here 2 glass of juice

Abhi smile. He left vaish and took the glasses going towards chair. Vaish followed him silently. Both sat in front of each other

Abhi: You should avoid milk products. That's not good for you in periods and coffee contains caffeine. It's not good

Vaish nodded smiling

Vaish (Forwarding her shivering hand cause of nervousness): Will you be my friend?

Abhi looked at vaish with shock. He didn't expected this but he accepted her hand and smiled

Abhi: As friend I am ordering you to go home and take rest
Vaish (fake smile): I will be bored at home. So here I am Okay
Abhi: Alright! Aren't your family members at home? That you will be bored
Vaish: No. All are busy in work. (To change the topic) Tell me about your family
Abhi: Family umm.... My younger brother and daughter

Vaish choked and start coughing

Vaish (shocked): You have daughter? What's your age?
Abhi (rolling his eyes): I am not of uncle, dada's age. Stop overreacting. I am 18
Vaish (more shocked): How you have a daughter then?
Abhi (plainly): Adoption
Vaish (glaring): What adoption.... Huh!!!

Looking at her expression. Abhi starts laughing

Vaish (glaring): Stop laughing at me
Abhi (controlling his laugh): Khushi do same you know. She too ask silly questions when we laugh on her. She too reacts same
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Leave it. Break time over let's get back to work

Abhi nodded. Throwing the glass in bin. Both started working

In evening. After completing the work but left the office together, walking together for home while chit chatting

Abhi: So we both are in 12th class
Vaish: Yeah! For board exams we will get leave from office for whole month

Just then abhi's phone rang. It is sid's call. Abhi received it

Sid: Hello bhai. Where are you?
Abhi: I left the office. On way
Sid: Bhai it's Saturday
Abhi (rolling his eyes): I remember. Don't worry I am going to orphanage

Meanwhile with Sid

He was talking with abhi. Khushi snatch phone from his hand

Khushi: Abhi papa
Abhi: Yes my baby
Khushi: Abhi papa I will tell you tory (story)
Sid (trying to take his phone back): Khushi, bhai is coming home. You can tell him at home
Khushi (glaring sid): You chup
Abhi: I am coming home baby
Khushi: I want to talk with you on pone (phone)
Sid (sternly): Khushi
Khushi (glaring sid): You chup. Bad chachu I will tell bee
Sid (rolling his eyes): It's not bee khushi
Khushi: Chup chup chup

Abhi hangs up the call. Listening this regular fight of these two

Vaish: What happened?
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Nothing. They both fight regularly on common topic

Vaish chuckled

To be continue.....

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