Chapter 37

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Just then khushek came in room and saw sidnavi hugging each other

Abhi (clearing his throat to get attention): Ahm! Ahm!

Sidnavi apart the hug

Abhi (jealous): What's going on here? And sid if you remember you have girlfriend, right?
Khushi (pout): Abhi papa, chachu kiss chichi. He no kiss me (she kept her index finger on check and pout)

Abhi shook his head in disbelief

Sid (smirked): Bhai I know.  But what happened?
Abhi (glare him): She may get hurt cause of you
Vaish (Suppressing her laugh): Why you are getting hurt abhi?
Sid (smirk): Oh wait! Bhai is jealous. I got sweet sister like you but he don't have. Bhai don't worry she is your sister as well
Abhi (shocked): Are you insane Sid? What you are blabbering? Shut up and Go to hell. She is not my sister

He left cursing Sid. Sid burst out laughing. Vaish was blushing

Khushi (glaring sid): Chup. Don't ittitate (irritate) my abhi papa

She ran behind abhi. After a minute. Sid controlled his laugh

Vaish: Sid I want to talk with you
Sid: Yes di?
Vaish (nervous): Umm..... Sid what happened to abhi? I can see his behavior isn't normal. His mood changes in short spam of time
Sid (nodded): Hmm... Bhai don't like to do any work. He is doing everything for the sake of responsibility
Vaish: I too can feel it. He do all office work as he has responsibility not as he has passion. He even not accepting the biggest opportunity
Sid (nervous): Di come sit

He make her sit on bed and sat beside her

Sid (fiddling his fingers): Di, bhai is suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We had really suffered the worst at orphanage. Bhai suffered from really very worst. He is suffering mentally. Fashion design isn't his passion. He don't want to be designer. He don't have any other option of earning that's why he is doing this job

His eyes was filled with tears

Vaish (shocked): What happened in past?
Sid (held her hands): Sorry di. I can't tell you. Bhai will tell you by himself when he will be comfortable
Vaish (wiped sid's tears): No worries. You take care of him and yourself
Sid (nodded): For which opportunity he is no? Maybe I can convince him
Vaish (shocked): Our firm got chance to be part of AN fashion house. We employees have chance to show our talent and get chance to be work in AN fashion house. I am
Sid (looking down): Di please don't ask bhai to join the AN fashion house. He won't agree and neither I want him to join that firm please. Reason bhai will tell you when he will be comfortable
Vaish (looking at Sid with shock): Do you know how big company it is?
Sid (broke down): Yes di. We know each and everything about AN fashion house and other businesses of that firm. We know everything

Vaish pull Sid in hug, rubbing his back

Vaish's pov: Abhi was getting angry listening name of AN fashion house. Sid broke down. Are those people honest? Or Mr Naitik and Mrs Akshara did something with Sid and abhi in orphanage? I shouldn't ask anything else. They both may get hurt

Sid was still sobbing. Vaish was rubbing his back and trying to calm him down. Abhi and khushi came with snacks. Abhi saw Sid. He panicked and placed the tray on table then ran to Sid

Abhi (panicking): Sid.. Sid what happened?
Sid (apart the hug): Abhi voh I just remember something (he said looking down)

Abhi hug him tight. Sid too hug him back. Sid wiped his tears knowing abhi's condition. He faked smile

Sid (smiling): Bhai let's something I am hungry
Khushi (teary eyes): I am also

Sid, abhinavi looked at her. Sid chuckled and picked her up

Sid (kissing her cheeks): Why you are crying?

Abhi wiped his tears which unknowingly escaped from his eyes

Khushi (pout): You were crying
Sid (kissed her nose): Oh! Now I am not crying. So you too don't cry (sid wiped her tears) Now give me kiss

Khushi giggle and kept her index finger on sid's right cheek. Sid nodded. Khushi kiss on his right cheek

Khushi (pulling his cheeks): You are no cute cute
Abhi (smiled): Now let's eat. You both were hungry nah?

They sat and had snacks with chit chat

To be continue.....

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