Chapter 27

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Abhi went from there and started doing his work. Vaish too came and started doing work. They didn't talk with each other. Vaish looked at abhi and saw him trying to focus on work. She sighed and continued doing her work. Abhi didn't looked up at once

Abhi was working in office but he wasn't concentrate at all. His mind was blocked with some past incidents. He can't even shrug those thoughts

After sometime. Finally office hours ended. Abhi quickly took his stuff and left the office. Vaish want to say him thanks but he left quickly and didn't let her. Some where leaving with him. So he was controlling himself. He wants to be alone. Away from all

Once he was at distance from his office. He let his tears to fell down. He let himself to be burden free. His heart has a burden, his heart has pain, he want to scream on top of his lungs. He want to be pain free but he can't

He was silently walking towards his home. Whole time tears were rolling on his cheeks. His mind was filled with his past, incidents was running in his mind one after the other. His silent sobs has innumerable pain

After few minutes. He reached his home and saw door was locked. It means still khushi and Sid aren't back. He checked the time and notice he is 10mins early than usual

He opened the door with spare keys and went inside. He shut the door and fell on his knees. Silent sobs starts turning into violent one

Within some minutes. He heard the door bell rang. It means Sid and khushi is here. He quickly stood up and open the door. Looking at abhi's condition. Sid tensed up. Khushi too was tensed as she saw abhi

Sid (pulling abhi in hug): Bhai calm down. Everything is fine. Calm down. No one is harmed. Calm down bhai
Abhi (broke down): I want her back Sid. I want her back. I miss her daily. I miss her. You know nah she was my life. I want her back. Give me my life back Sid. Give me back
Sid (rubbing abhi's back, stuttering): Bhai we can't bring her back. She left us and went away. She can't come back. I can't bring her back

Abhi apart the hug and looked at Sid in disbelief. Sid didn't said anything. Abhi slapped him hard. Leaving his fingerprints on his cheek. Sid's eyes filled with tears. Khushi got shocked. She too had tears in her eyes. Everytime abhi's different behave scared her. As abhi realized what he did. He too got shock

Abhi (joining his hands in front of sid): I am sorry. I didn't realized when I raise my hand on you! I didn't mean it. Please forgive me. I am sorry. You are only one for me. Please forgive me (he was saying all this in one breath)

Abhi got frustrated and pull his hairs in his fist. He went inside and started slapping himself. Sid quickly went inside and stop abhi. Khushi too came in

Sid (held abhi's hands): Bhai I know you didn't did purposely. I know you love me. I know you. Don't worry bhai. I know everything

Abhi hug him and Sid too hug him back. Sid was continously rubbing abhi's back to calm him. Abhi was sobbing, so sid and khushi was! A minute later abhi calmed and broke the hug. He wiped sid's tears

Sid (took khushi on lap): Bhai here is our little kajal

Khushi quickly curled to Sid and hid in face in sid's chest sobbing. Abhi saw tears in her eyes. He felt pangs in his heart

Sid: Khushi see
Khushi (hug sid tight): No
Abhi: Don't you want to talk with abhi papa?
Khushi (sob escape from her mouth): No
Sid: Then pahal will take abhi papa with her

Khushi broke the hug and glared at Sid

Khushi: You chup 🤫

Abhi took khushi on lap

Abhi (kissing her hairs): You know you are angel
Khushi (stood up on his lap): Ale! I am not ankel (angel) I am khushi (she pout)

Sid chuckled

Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Oh! Yes yes... You are my khushi. My khushi

They three did family hug. Then abhi made dinner and they ate and slept

Vaish day was usual. After completing work. She too slept

To be continue....

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