Chapter 59

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I forgot to tell you about Deeps. She is manager of Naitik and Akshara. She works with them since 10yrs. So sid, abhi knows her

One more thing. Some of you are thinking if Naitik and Akshara really changed or they are acting. But in reality they were never at fault. It was misunderstanding at child of 13-14yrs thought his parents don't love her whereas parents was facing issues and wasn't able to concentrate on kids. So they are like this from start. They aren't fake. They accepted khushi when they felt like they got Kajal in Khushi

Let's continue....

Akshara: Abhi, Sid can we go now?
Sid: At least have breakfast here
Akshara: Okay!
Abhi: I will be back in few minutes

He left and went kitchen. They was so happy that he first hug vaish tight without caring about anyone

Abhi (happily): It was my fault vaishu. I misunderstood them. You know they were in alot of pressure
Vaish (rubbing his back): Calm down. I am so happy that you finally got your family back

They apart the hug. Abhi gesture to avni

Abhi (opening his arms): Come

Avni quickly hug him

Avni: Congrats bhai
Abhi: Thank you

They apart the hug

Vaish: What about khushi? They are Okay with her?
Abhi: Yes.... See how she complaining dad about Sid

Vaishneet looked at living area and chuckled

Abhi: Girls I need your help. I have to make breakfast for all of us. So just help me
Vaish: Abhi breakfast is ready. Don't worry. We made it for all of us
Abhi: Wow! Thank you
Avni: Leave thank you and all. We are arranging breakfast after a minute you call everyone at dinning table
Abhi: Alright

Abhi went out and sat with all. Vaishneet quickly heat up the breakfast setting at dinning table. After few minutes. Avni came in living area

Avni: Bhai everything is ready
Abhi: Let's go then. Deeps di come

They went in. Vaishneet was already there with breakfast

Vaish (squealing): Good Morning Sir, Ma'am

Her happiness was really too much to handle. She is meeting her idols. They one with whom she always dream to meet. It's like her dream come true

Akshara: Good Morning
Naitik: Good Morning

They all sat for breakfast. Vaishneet starts serving them

Akshara (confused): What are you doing?
Vaish (taken aback): Ma'am... Umm.... ser..ving...

She was damn nervous and scared. She was standing in front of her idols

Sid: Mom she don't know yaar. Anyways di you come and sit. They will take whatever they want. No one ever stood for us and do the serving. It's rule
Avni (nervous): You have breakfast with family we are
Abhi (cuts her): Come sit Avni. We need to introduce you as well

Vaishneet looked at each other and sat

Sid (out of blue): But how you got to know about us? I mean we are here
Naitik: Yesterday evening deeps got a call from a girl and she told us
Sid (confused): Who was that girl?
Deeps: She just told about you but didn't shared any personal information not even name
Akshara: She asked to come at night only but we were in France

Khushi was silently listening to all but don't understood anything

Sid: We need to find about her then
Abhi (sternly): She is vaishu

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