Chapter 15

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Next Morning. With Vaish. She woke up so early in morning. She completed all the work then made breakfast and lunch. She setting dinning table breakfast. Vm came

Vm: Vaishnavi you did all work?
Vaish (smiling): Yes mom. I did laundry, mopping and dusting, breakfast and lunch is ready. After breakfast I will clean the dishes then will go to college
Vm: At night you will make dinner and clean the rooms and dishes
Vaish: Umm... Yeah
Vm (shout): Then what about ironing?
Vaish: I will do at night mom
Vm: You better do or else I will not let you go for job from tomorrow
Vaish (shocked): No. No mom I will do it. I will do it

Vm left. After few minutes. Vm, Vd and Vikas came and sat for breakfast. Vaish serve them. They all silently ate then went back for their rooms

Vaish completed the her work and got ready for college. She went to Vm and Vd's room. She knocked the door

Vd: Come in

She went in

Vm: What are you doing here? Don't you want to go college and office?
Vaish: No no mom. It's first day of my job. I want your blessing

Vaish bent to touch Vm's feet

Vm (took step back, disgusting face): I don't want to waste my blessing. I know very well you can't do anything. So go

Kicking vaish. Her eyes filled with tears. Vaish managed her balance. She ran out of house. Whole way tears were rolling on her cheeks. She was trying to be strong. Somehow before reaching she wiped her tears and smiled, encouraging herself

As she reached college gate. She saw KyaRoh was waiting for her. She ran to them

Kiyu (notice Vaish's cheeks have tears stains): Vaishu what happened? Why you were crying? Don't lie or I will not talk with you

Vaish broke down and shared everything with KyaRoh. Kiyu hug her rubbing her back. After few minutes vaish calm down. Roh make her drink water and help her in rinsing her face

Kiyu (cups her face): Vaishu do you seriously think if she will not bless you. You can't achieve success? Then you are the biggest idiot. You hard work, dedication, dream, passion and luck will definitely support you. You will get chance to lead the project in your favorite company as well. I trust you more than myself
Roh: If you want blessing. Wait I will give you (dramatically raising his hand in air) Balike tathastu. Sada suhagan raho
Kiyu (Pinch on his stomach): I was wrong. You are biggest idiot
Roh (hit kiyu's head): Don't disturb, let me focus on blessings
Kiyu(glare him): Idiot. These blessings are for married girl
Roh (pout): I don't know any other blessing
Kiyu (thinking): I will give! Ghtfg stgxs jght
Vaish (confused): What you said?
Kiyu: I don't know. As I never understood priest words but these are blessings that's it

Vaish burst out laughing. Then hey went in college

With Abhi. Early morning. Everyone wish him birthday. Then went to college

Abhinavi both studied in college then went for job. As abhi is working since 15days. He know about work. So he went and started doing it

Vaish entered in office. She went to Receptionist

Vaish: Good Afternoon
Rece: Good Afternoon. How may I help you?
Vaish: I am Vaishnavi Mehta. It's my joining date
Rece: Oh! Meet Mr Malhotra. On 3rd floor. This way (guide her direction)
Vaish: Thank you

She went on 3rd floor and met Mr. Malhotra. He explain her work. Then she went and sat on her seat on which Mr. Malhotra told her. Abhinavi are sitting beside each other but they didn't noticed each other

They sat there working for hours. It was break time. Both went in cafeteria. Abhi was searching for seat to sit and have coffee. Vaish was also searching for seat

Both bumped into each other and coffee cups of both fell down

Both looked up at each other

Abhinavi (shout in unison): YOU

To be continue......

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