Chapter 9

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With Vaish. She spends whole noon with KyaRoh. Teasing them, pulling their leg. Celebrating the happiness of Vaish's job. They had lunch there only then they all left for home

Few minutes later. Vaish reached home and found no one was there. She sighed then went her room. She was so happy for her job that she twirling, dancing and jumping all around

After sometime. Door bell rang. She went and open the door. Her whole family was there. Vikas was looking frustrated, irritated. So he pushed vaish side then went in room

Vaish fell on floor. Vd and Vm didn't cared about her and went in their room. Her eyes got teary. She stood up and went in her room after locking the door. She sat on bed tears roll down on her cheeks

Vaish's pov: You shouldn't be sad for such small thing. Younger brothers are meant to be irritated, naughty and like this only. I am his elder sister. I should behave like mature rather than crying for this small thing. I should share with them about my job. I know they are gonna be so happy

She wiped her tears and wash her face then went down. In living area. Vm and Vd was sitting and talking

Vaish came running downstairs. She was looking so excited like before

Vaish (excited): Mom, dad I got job in Fashion for 18 as designer. After 15 days. I got joining date. You know my salary is 25k. So can I join this firm?
Vm (disgusting face): How's it possible? You only completed 11th. How they are giving you this job?
Vaish (looking down): Mom in this firm. They don't hire only educated people. They are in search on talent. So they saw my designs and send me job acceptance letter
Man: Okay! See as you will get good salary. So I am allowing you
Vaish (excited): So can I continue my studies?
Vm (glaring her): Yeah! But we are searching boy for your marriage. So have to leave all this. As we will find one and yaa you have to complete whole house chores before leaving for job
Vd (making disgust face): And yaa 80% of your salary you will give us. You can take 5k, remaining 20k I want

Vaish nodded and ran back to her room. She locked the door and started jumping

Vaish's pov: Now I will get 5k in month. As I know I don't want single rupee. I can live like before without money but for job I will need formal clothes. So I will buy that only. Rest I will save. When I will get a huge amount as savings. I can surprise my jaan. Yyyaaayyy

With Vm and Vd. As vaish went back in room

Vm: Now vikas will be happy
Vd (chuckled): Yes. As he turn 16 now. He was demanding for bike. Now from this 20k we can give him bike
Vm: Let's go and give this news to him. He will be so happy

Vd nodded both went to him. Few mins later. Vaish came down and prepared dinner for all then everyone ate dinner and vikas was happy now

After having dinner all went to sleep and vaish started her studies

With Abhi. As he reached in orphanage. It was late time than usual. Dinner time too went then he reached. Sidneet was shocked looking his condition. Khushi's eyes filled with tears as she saw his condition

They took him in room. Abhi laid on bed. His legs was paining like hell. He has fever as well. Avu sat on bed and took his head on her lap. Khushi sat beside Avi silently

Sid (controlling his tears): Bhai what happened? Why you are this much late today? You know how worried we were!
Avu (tears roll down her cheek): Bhai please don't lie to us

Abhi shared everything with them. They were worried for abhi as well as angry on boys

Avu (wiped her tears): Sid you help bhai in getting fresh. I am going to take dinner for him and medicine as well

Sid nodded. Avu laid abhi on bed properly then went out of room. Khushi too went behind her

Outside the room

Khushi (in cracky voice): What happened to abhi papa?
Avi (saw her and sighed): Bad boys hurt him
Khushi (nodded): Who are boys? I will cold them
Avi (wiped her tears): We will see them later on. 1st we have to take care of abhi papa. Come let's bring dinner and medicine for him

Khushi nodded and went with her. Sid helped abhi in getting fresh and changing clothes

Few minutes later avi and khushi came with food and medicine

To be continue....

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