Chapter 53

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Abhi (shocked): Avni explain me in detail what's all this?
Vaish (nervous): Let's cut the cake first then I will tell you everything
Roh (angry): What everything vaishu? You never even shared with us? Like seriously?
Vaish (held roh's hands): Roh listen to me. It's not like that I don't want to lie to you but guys I couldn't
Kiyu: Vaishu since 3yrs you never got chance to share anything? Do you even know what you are saying?
Abhi (shout in anger): Avneet will you tell me?

Everyone flinched. Khushi hid behind Sid. Hugging his legs. Sid saw her and took her arms. She quickly hid her face in his shoulder

Roh: Wait a second. I got it.. Vaish's family never liked daughters. So maybe when Avneet born they drop her in orphanage
Sid: Not possible as we know through avni she and her sister were orphans
Kiyu (shocked): What

Tears roll down on Vaish's cheeks. Avni was hugging her tight scared of loosing her again. Vaish broke the hug and took deep breath

Vaish (held abhi's hand): Sit here I will tell-
Abhi (jerked her, shout): Stop it

Tears roll down on his cheeks. Vaish held his hand with firm grip

Vaish: Bring water jaan

Avni nodded and went. Sid was consoling khushi. Vaish knew how to control his mood swings

(A/N: If you remember abhi's therapy started)

She make him sit on sofa and hug him tight rubbing his back. Abhi was sobbing. He hid his face in her shoulder

Vaish: Calm down! Calmn down!! We all love you so much. Calm down. I love you. I love you abhi

She was saying all the words softly. This was helping him to calm down. Avni came with glass of water

Sid: Bhai

Abhi broke the hug and looked at Sid. Sid indicate abhi for khushi who was silently sobbing as she was scared. Abhi took her in arms but she was getting more scared

Abhi (kiss her forehead): I am sorry. I am sorry princess

Khushi was looking at Sid as she was scared of abhi

Vaish (held khushi's hand): Baby calm down. He is your papa nah. Calm down. You are safe

Khushi quickly jumped on vaish and hug her tight. Abhi too hug vaish without caring about anything. Avni smiled looking at them. So sid and KyaRoh

After sometime Khushek calm down and abhi finally took khushi

Abhi: I am sorry princess
Khushi (pout): No shout abhi papa

Abhi nodded kissing her cheek

Vaish: Let's cut the cake first then we will talk
Khushi: Yes cake
Avni: Bhai you go and wash your face, khushi's as well. I will arrange everything till the time
Sid: I will help you
Vaish: Sid you sit here. We will do
Avni (sequeling): Yes sid you sit. I will do with didu

Sid chuckled. KyaRoh and sit sat talking with each other. Abhi took khushi and went to washroom. Vaishneet was arranging cake and candle

 Vaishneet was arranging cake and candle

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After a minute

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After a minute. They all sat for cake cutting. Khushi was searching something on cake

Roh: What happened khushi you didn't like the cake?
Khushi: Where is lion abhi papa?
All (confused): Lion?
Khushi (nodded): Chichi said lion lives in fowest (forest). This is forest cake nah? Where is lion?

Everyone's eyes were wide open

Sid: Lion lives in forest not on cake
Khushi: You chup! Abhi papa I want to see lion
Avni (smack her forehead): That's why you want forest cake
Khushi (nodded): Yesh!!

Everyone chuckled

Abhi: Lion don't live on cake. I will take you to zoo for lion

Khushi pout

Vaish (chuckled): Let's cut the cake

Sidshi cutted both the cakes. Others were singing and clapping. After cutting cake Sid fed to abhi first

Khushi (glaring sid): It is my birday (birthday)

Sid rolling his eyes, fed her. Feeding to all. Applying on faces they all celebrate the birthday sidshi got gifts. Then clean their faces and hands then all sat for dinner

Roh (angrily): Will you tell us now vaish?

Somewhere KyaRoh was hurt as vaish hid this biggest secret of her life from them

Vaish nodded


To be continue....

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