Chapter 7

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Note: Both are in different colleges. If you haven't read in Introduction check it again. So both are trying in same firm that's Fashion 18 but from different college

Let's get back to story.....

Next Morning. Vaish woke up early than usual. She starts doing her work. She was so excited for her interview. After 2hrs. Vm woke up and saw laundry and cleaning of house was done except vikas and there's room

Vm went in kitchen and saw vaish was cooking breakfast with full enthusiasm. House chores she always do without any complaints. She is enough strong girl. She never let anyone notice the pain behind smile. Only KyaRoh knows how broken smile she has! Both always cheer up her in one or other way and her strength and positivity is also like a magic that after bareing all this. She never let her smile fades

Vm entered in kitchen

Vm: Vaishnavi what happened? You're looking happy today? Anything special?

Vaish's pov: I shouldn't tell about job interview. She won't let me go. I have to make excuse

Vaish: Yaa mumma actually today kiyu will give party. So just I am excited
Vm: Oh! Your friend giving you party then what's the need to collect lunch
Vaish : Umm.... Yeah

Vm left

Vaish's pov:hy I made such excuse. Today even kiyu and roh aren't in college. I don't have money for lunch. I have to be hungry all day now. I will manage. Cheer up vaishu. For your dream you can do this. Just be strong and have excess water

With these thoughts she completed her work them went to college

At Orphanage. Abhi woke up and saw khushi was sleeping on his chest. Abhi chuckled. He was caressing her hair

Abhi's pov: Suddenly she came in my life calling me abhi papa. I didn't realized in just 2days she became important for me. Yesterday she saw me busy with work and started feeding me with her little hands. I have to ask wardener if I can let her stay with me at night. If she allow us then only I will let her sleep with me or else we both have to suffer from punishment for breaking rules. Specifically me as I am elder and boy. She is just 3. How can she know about rules and reasons behind same! Today is my, sid and avu's turn to make breakfast and dinner. I have to wake them soon. They have leave from college but I have to go for interview

He make her lay on bed carefully not waking her then went to get ready. After getting ready he wake Sid then went in avu's room. Avu was already up and was getting ready. Abhi saw her bed was empty. Abhi went to meet wardener. He reached her office and knocked door

Wardener: Come in

Abhi went inside and set on chair

Abhi: Good Morning Ma'am
Wardener: Good Morning. You want anything?
Abhi: Yaa ma'am. Ma'am new child khushi. Avneet's roommate. She got along with 3 of us in 2days. She love to spend time with me
Wardener: Yes. I got to know she is calling you abhi papa
Abhi (nodded with bit nervousness): Yaa Ma'am
Wardener (chuckled): It's okay! It happens. So?
Abhi (smiled): Thanks ma'am for understanding. I wanted to ask you if she can sleep with me in my room. Avneet will get ready and do her other works as per rules. Just she can sleep with me. As she feels comfortable. So is it okay?
Wardener: See Abhishek you know rules and everything. Even you have suffered from all. So you know child's care is really important for us. If you are taking that responsibility that I won't object but assessment can be done in your room anytime. You know reason and needs
Abhi (nodded): Yaa ma'am I know and I am totally okay with it. So she is allowed?
Wardener: Yes. I am giving this permission to you
Abhi (smiled): Thank you. Ma'am can I know about her school?
Wardener (nodded): As this is midterm. She is in same kindergarten where her father sent her. From next year. As orphanage we will change
Abhi: Okay Ma'am

Abhi went to his room and wake khushi

Khushi (sleepy voice): Abhi papa sleep
Abhi (taking her in arms): No. You have school baby. Get ready fast

He drop her in avu's room

Abhi: You get her ready then come to kitchen for breakfast. Me and Sid are there till the time
Avi: Okay bhai

Abhi left. Sidshek went in kitchen. Avu got khushi ready then they made breakfast and ate

Abhi went to college. Sidneet was in orphanage only. Khushi went to school

To be continue.....

Boring chapter?

How's carrying abhi?

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