Chapter 14

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After 15days. These 15days. Abhi joined his new firm and he is giving his 100% for work and studies as well. Tomorrow it's abhi's birthday. 18th birthday for any child is like the best birthday. Child is now adult in eyes of all, In eyes of government. They can have driving license, enjoy life like a free bird. But for abhi. 18th birthday means new responsibilities. He is scared to call himself adult. Somewhere responsibilities is making him scared but he can't loose him. He have fight with fear and prove himself. Tomorrow he will get home keys. He will get adoption of khushi. Sidneet are so excited for abhi's birthday but abhi isn't. He is damn nervous for new start and responsibilities

With Vaish. She is so excited. Cause tomorrow finally she will take 1st step towards her dream. Tomorrow it's her first day in firm. There is no bound of excitement and nervousness

These 15days was normal days in there life

After 15days. It was night time. At orphanage. Packing of Abhi, sid and khushi is almost done. They 4 were sitting in boys room. Sidneet are waiting for clock to strike at 12. Abhi is lying on khushi's lap. She is messaging his head

Khushi: 1 more tory
Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Baby that's enough for today. You told me 5 stories

Khushi pout but nodded

Abhi: Day after tomorrow. We will shift to new house. So just complete khushi's packing by tomorrow avu
Avu (nodded): Bhai day after tomorrow is sunday. So we will set everything at your new house
Abhi: Yeps. And yeah don't worry I am always with you. Don't ever think we left orphanage means we forgot about you. I promise every Saturday night. I will come to take you. You will stay with us and on Sunday we will be together
Avu: I know bhai. Don't worry. And Yeah After college. I will take khushi with me. She will come with me at tuitions
Sid: Right! As usual after my work. I will come to pick you from your tuitions and drop you here. Khushi will come with me home then
Abhi: Alright. We will be together at college. So only dinner for you have to be without us
Avu (blink her eyes): I will manage bhai. Don't worry

They continued chit chat. After some minutes. Clock strikes at 12. Sidneet looked at each other and nodded

Sidneet (singing in unison): Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you
Khushi (cuts them): Who birday? (Birthday)
Sid (excited): Bhai
Khushi (shout): Abhi papa

Sidneet nodded

Khushi (clapping in excitement): Yes. I will do
Sidneet (continued singing): Happy birthday bhai. Happy birthday to you. May god bless you dear

Khushi was clapping her hands in excitement. Abhi sat properly. He chuckled looking at excitement of three

Sid (hug abhi): Happiest 18th birthday bhai
Abhi: Thank you! Thank you!!
Avi (pulling sid by his collar): Bandar now side

Sid apart the hug

Avu (hug abhi): Happy birthday bhai
Abhi (ruffling her hair): Thanks avni
Khushi (hugging abhi): Happy birday (birthday) abhi papa
Abhi (kiss her forehead): Thank you baby

They apart the hug

Khushi: Cake?

Sidneet's face fell down as its orphanage rule. They aren't allow to cut cakes or celebrate birthday

Abhi: It's orphanage nah. So here we can't cut cake

Khushi (nodded): Papa made cake on birday
Sid (confused): Your papa?

Khushi nodded sadly but Sid smiled widely he jumped from bed and open a drawer taking out jam and packet of bag. In every room a packet of bread and jam is available. If any one is hungry before and after the time of meal

Sid took them out and spread jam of bread then placed one bread on other. Alas the place candle in between and came on bed

Sid: Here is the cake. Let's cut it

He placed it in front of abhi and enlighten the candle. Khushi blew the candle. Abhi cutted the cake. After having cake and chit chat. All went to sleep

With Vaish. After completing her all work. She was having dinner. When Vm came

Vm: See Vaishnavi from tomorrow you will go for job. You have to complete all house chores or I won't let you go for job
Vaish: No mumma. I will wake early than usual and complete all the work. Even I will make in morning only then will go to college. After college for job. After job you I will make dinner and do dishes

Vm left

Vaish's pov: I know work is more but I can do it. I have to do it for my dream and jaan. I will make my mom dad proud

She went in her and sat study then slept

To be continue...

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