part 57

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charli: what the fuck?!

shit. shit. shit. lauren and i were on the couch making out when charli just had to walk in.

you: i- it's not what it looks like
charli: lauren- um... d- do you mind?

lauren grabs her jacket and leaves. charli hugs me.

charli: how long have you-
you: her and i have been together for about a month and a half now

she nods and we sit on the couch.

charli: i understand that it's hard to come out- but you could've told me
you: trust me. i wanted to. i- i just was scared.

she hugs me tight.

charli: you don't need to be scared around me. i'm always here for you.

i nod.

you: so your not mad?
charli: of course not. and hey- this will let me fully forgive josh

we laugh. what she means by that is when josh broke up with me, it was so i could figure out who i am. and since we've broken up, i've really improved with myself. charlis never fully forgiven josh for breaking my heart, so now she's saying she can since something good came out of it- the fact that i found someone.


after shopping i head to sway. jaden has been helping me sing recently like giving me tips and stuff. we are recording the actual demo today that he's gonna give to his producers. charli drops me off at sway. i knock on the door and am greeted by my bestfriend.

you: heyyy

i hug bryce.

bryce: hey watcha doin
you: recording the demo
bryce: ah

josh comes up.

josh: hey carson
you: hey j
josh: when can i hear your songggggg

i've never let josh hear it since it's about him. i sing his exact words.

you: never *laughs
josh: why not
you: because
josh: everyone else has heard it
you: just- no josh

i'm starting to get mad. i told him no. i love josh but he really pisses me off.

josh: please?
you: josh just stop okay?!

he backs off and just walks away disappointed.

bryce: dammit carson. he just wants to hear your song. i get that it's about him and you don't want him hearing it but he's proud your doing something that you like to do. just let him be proud of you.
you: whatever bryce

i roll my eyes and go downstairs to the home studio room. i don't know why they are making me so mad about it but they just are.

jaden: ready?
you: ya


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