I'm back with an update besties

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Before we start I would like to note that as I re-read this story so I can get back on track, I notice just how much my writing has improved since the beginning of last year (holy shit it's been a whole year)

I still can't spell tommorow



And I have become so much more comfortable in my skills as an author. I know I'm definitely letting the hype get to my head but I have found over the past year that I really enjoy writing and think that maybe in the future I could be a graphic novel writer or something, heck I could even start now if I wanted.

There is one scene where I wrote Mrs. Boms being an absolute 🤪creep🤪 that now I could do so much better because I don't want to hesitate in my writing skills. I have a new fic that I will be releasing as I round this one up called Traitor and it's a villain deku AU where deku was the UA traitor (and a badass)

On my other account that I've had for a little while now and been writing fics on in the meantime, I've wrote a lot that I am really proud of in comparison to that chapter, some of which I want to implement into my next fic. (( The account is bowie_is_swag if you want to compare and contrast))

Anyways onto the story::

Timeskip!!! (Because I'm a little lost at what I was doing and I should not be trusted with this fic anymore)

Izuku was nearing the end of his time at the hospital, and quickly approaching his time with policemen and other people of the law

It was fustrating. The last thing he wanted to do was tell someone everything that had happened and answer their questions. But that is exactly what he had to do. What were they gonna do for him?

He thought to himself for a while.

Couldn't they just move on and forget about all this like he wanted? NO. no you can't do that <3

We need justice for mr. Boms. And Gavin's backstory. And Mrs. Boms arrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He knew all of this was for the best.

The police took him in for questioning. Aizawa was by his side the whole time. He talked about everything he had went through. From beginning to end. From his father's abuse at the beginning of quarentine to his mother's death to the foster home to the sexual assult to the harrasment by Mrs. Boms, the murder of his therapist, the poisonings, and his kidnapping.

They had to pause in between because Izuku was choking on tears. His words were inaudible. Aizawa took him to the bathroom to calm down and wiped his tears. He had a bag of goldfish and a juice box before he went back in to finish answering questions. That day was beyond exhausting.

He went home that night. For the first time in over a month. He was terrified.

He sat on his bed with Aizawa and Mic by his side. "I can't do it." He shook his head, he was panicking. Aizawa rubbed his back, "hey. You can do it. Do you wanna camp out in our room tonight? This is a big transition." Izuku nodded, trying not to cry. His hands were shaking.

"I wanna watch a movie." Presentation Micheal said. Izuku and Mic both turned to Aizawa. Izuku laughed, he enjoyed joking around with Mic, especially to annoy Aizawa.

Aizawa groaned, "fine. But you are making your own popcorn."

"Yes!" Mic and Izuku cheered.

Aizawa carefully set up an extra futon next to where Mic and him usually slept before joining them outside in their hunt-for-a-movie-on-netflix.

They settled on something they had already watched. Finding Nemo.

Izuku had fallen asleep on Mic's shoulder 3/4 of the way through. He was cuddled in a blanket with an empty popcorn bowl on his lap.

The movie finished and they all went to bed. Aizawa and Mic worked carefully to not wake up the sleeping kid as they moved him to the futon. The last thing they wanted to do was wake him up, sleep wasn't the easiest thing for him to get lately.

Later that night they woke up to Izuku sobbing hysterically. Still completely absorbed in some disturbing nightmare. Mic and Aizawa were by his side immediatly.

"Shhh you're okay. You're awake." Mic coaxed.

"Can I touch you?" Aizawa asked. Izuku shook his head quickly and pulled his blanket close to his chest. He was sweating buckets.

"You want some water?" Aizawa asked. Izuku didn't answer. "Izuku?"

Mic and Aizawa looked at eachother and remembered something the nurse had mentioned to them. Izuku had started to scratch at his arm. He felt out of it, nothing felt real. He found he was able to hear and control himself, but everything felt like a dream.

He heard Aizawa talked in a hushed voice.

"Izuku, you there?"

He nodded slowly, he wasn't sure where the voice was coming from. He was disoriented. He didn't wanna look around either.

"Are you okay?"

He shrugged, he wasn't sure what to answer. Everything felt so wierd and his senses felt glazed over.

Aizawa and Mic noticed a significant delay in the boy's reaction time and answers. Aizawa spoke up, still staying quiet, "okay I want you to find something in the room and describe it to me. Try and focus on that and nothing else."

Aizawa and Mic had done a bit of research on dissociating after the nurse told them about it. They were certain that this was what Izuku was experiencing in this moment. They had also learned about ways to get out of a dissociative state. Those skills were going to come into use now, though they would have to learn what would work for Izuku.

Izuku looked around a bit and chose a picture of Mic and Aizawa that was on their dresser. "It's a photo of Dad and Pops." Aizawa smiled a bit, "can you tell me more?"

"The frame is brown and..." he trailed off, loosing his train of thought. "That's okay. Can I touch you?" Aizawa asked. Izuku just shrugged.

Aizawa turned to mic, "hey, go get some ice or a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer."

Mic got up and came back with a bag of frozen peas and handed them to Aizawa.

"Izuku I'm gonna hand you something cold, okay?" Aizawa said, after a moment Izuku nodded and slowly opened his hands.

Aizawa carefully handed the frozen peas to Izuku. He grabbed them and slowly, but surely he perked up a bit.

After a about a minute and a half Izuku turned to Aizawa, "what happened..?" he asked.

Aizawa and Mic glanced at eachother, "you don't remember anything?" Izuku shook his head, a feeling of embarrassment creeping in, "did I do something wierd? What happened?"

"You dissociated again for a while." Aizawa explained. "Oh." Izuku looked at him for a minute, the gears in his brain working to try and remember the experience, "I don't remember really, I know something happened but it's all foggy." Aizawa nodded, "I've heard that can happen sometimes. You feel okay now though?" Izuku nodded a little.

"Come give me a hug." Mic said, opening his arms. Izuku smiled and hugged him.

Things were looking up for them.

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