the day (there is a chapter i promise)

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gotta get to those chatrooms on mystic messenger though.
Also im scared that there is someone in my attic so i decided to pull an all nighter but my sleep schedule is so severely fucked up that im not sure if I can manage that and I am so scared I dont wanna sleep and I cant tell if the noises coming from mg ceiling are from rhe freaking INSANE WINDS THEY HAVE IN TEXAS or BECAUSE RHERES SOMEINE IN THE FRIKJNV ATTIC so i wanted to stay up to make sure everyobe was safe and that we didnt die and now im on wattpad and listebing to Jack stauber PLEASE S EN D H EL P SJBSJSBS

Skhsks ok chaprer because im sleep deprived and angst deprived and life deorived i have lost the will to live. Exuse any type o s im very tured

 Exuse any type o s im very tured

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Wow okay update. Its now 3 pm and I just finished making cookies and Im runnung on roughly 4 hours of sleep. The text above literalkyly makes it look like i do drugs. I promise i dont.


Izuku finished stuffing his face with pancakes, full and unable to eat anymore. "Thank you!" He said sweetly before getting up to do the dishes.

Mic- "woah woah slow down. Want me to help?"

Deku- "with the dishes?" He questioned

Mic- "yeah?"

Deku- "really!? That would be awesome!"

The two finished the dishes and before they knew it everyone was watching a movie.

Afterwards the topic came up..

Aizawa- Midoriya, you'll be meeting your foster family tomarow.

Izuku visibly stiffened up as he nodded.

Aizawa-, "im sure everything will be fine."

Izuku nodded a bit, his stomach doing flips. He was scared to say the least. He felt a hand on his back and lept forward and away instinctively.

Mic pulled his hand away quickly, a pitiful look on his face.

"S-sorry" Izuku stumbled over his words, the room started to spin as he stood there in a defensive position.

Aizawa- "calm down everything is fine."

Izuku flinched everytime they talked or moved, he felt so scared. What would the new people be like? Would they be nice like mr. Aizawa and mic. Or would they be mean like his dad.

He was scared that at any minute the two heroes may get irritated and turn on him.

His vision started to blur with tears and he felt his breathing get out of control, aizawa stood up and Izuku's hands went over his head to protect himself. He kept trying to apologize but nausea bit back at him every time he tried to open his mouth.

He took irratic shaky breaths as he tried to listen to Aizawa's words. But everything was drowned out, as if he was underwater. He couldnt breath he couldnt see he couldnt hear. His fingertips felt numb.

He felt himself gag and he ran to the bathroom. He flung the door open, praying it didnt hit the wall as he leaned over the toilet and vomited.

Aizawa and Mic were there, it was safe to say that Aizawa was much better with these situations than Mic was.

Aizawa entered the room, "Problem Child its Aizawa. I'm coming in." He said softly as he slowly approached the kid who was sobbing over the toilet.

Aizawa knelt beside him, "can I touch you?" He asked and earned a small nod from the greenette.

Aizawa rubbed circles on the boys back until his sobs were just little hiccups.

"I-im sorry." Izuku stammered out after a while. "I didnt mean it"

Aizawa- "I know its okay. I understand. Everything is gonna be okay."

Izuku- "but what if it isn't..."

Aizawa- "then we find another solution."

Izuku nodded a little bit, before letting out a big yawn, he was mentally and physically exhausted and about fell asleep right there on the spot.

Aizawa- "wanna go to bed?"

Izuku nodded a little and Aizawa and Mic helped him to his room.

The second Izuku's head hit the pillow he was fast asleep.


It was early the next morning and Izuku was too anxious to go back to sleep.

His stomach was upset and his head was pounding. He curled up into a little ball, his knees to his chest and his head on his knees.

He didnt want to have to worry about this anymore. He wanted it to end. Flashbacks of his mother forced their way into his head.

Then he felt it. He wanted to cut. One for every mistake he was. A punishment for everything he had done wrong. For being such a burden. To make the mental pain go away.

To distract him?

It was indescribable. He had all these reasons to want to and yet he couldn't seem to explain the reasons when someone asked.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now